ONGC MRPL Recruitment 2022: क्या आप भी MANGALORE REFINERY AND PETROCHEMICALS LIMITED में, करियर बनाना चाहते है तो हमारा यह आर्टिकल आपके लिए है जिसमें हम आपको विस्तार से ONGC MRPL Recruitment 2022 के बारे में बतायेगे।
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साथ ही साथ हम आपको बता दे कि, ONGC MRPL Recruitment 2022 के तहत रिक्त कुल 63 पदो पर भर्ती हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन प्रक्रिया को शुरु कर दिया गया है जिसमें आप सभी उम्मीदवार आसानी से 29/04/2022 से लेकर 28/05/2022 ( आवेदन की अन्तिम तिथि ) तक आवेदन कर सकते है।
अन्त, आप सभी उम्मीदवार सीधे इस लिंक – पर क्लिक करके ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते है।
ONGC MRPL Recruitment 2022 – Overview
Name of the Article | ONGC MRPL Recruitment 2022 |
Type of Article | Latest Job |
Who Can Apply? | Every Eligible Applicant of India Can Apply. |
No of Total Posts? | 65 Posts |
Mode of Application? | Online |
Age Limit? | Maximum Age – 27 Yr |
Application Fees | General, OBC (including non-creamy layer) and EWS category candidates = 100 Rs
SC / ST/ PwBD/ Ex-Serviceman categories – Nil |
Date of opening of online application portal | 29/04/2022 |
Last date for submission of online applications | 28/05/2022 |
Official Website | ClicK Here |
ONGC MRPL Recruitment 2022 Notification
हमारा यह आर्टिकल उन सभी आवेदको व उम्मीदवारो के लिए है जो कि, Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL) में विभिन्न पदो पर नौकरी करना चाहते है और इसीलिए हम आपको इस आर्टिकल मे, विस्तार से ONGC MRPL Recruitment 2022 के बारे में बतायेगे।
हम आपको बता दे कि, ONGC MRPL Recruitment 2022 के तहत रिक्त पदो पर भर्ती हेतु आपको ऑनलाइन आवेदन करना होगा जिसकी पूरी जानकारी हम आपको इस आर्टिकल मे, विस्तार से प्रदान करेगे जिसके लिए आपको अन्त तक इस आर्टिकल को प़ढ़ना होगा।
अन्त, आप सीधे इस लिंक – पर क्लिक करके आवेदन प्रक्रिया की पूरी जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते है।
Discipline Wise Vacancy Details of ONGC MRPL Recruitment 2022?
Discipline | Minimum Essential Qualification* (BE/B.Tech./B.Sc. Engineering) |
Chemical | 20 |
Mechanical | 20 |
Civil | 3 |
Electrical | 6 |
Instrumentation | 7 |
Metallurgy | 1 |
Computer Science |
6 |
Chemistry | 2 |
Total | 63 |
Discipline Wise Required Educational Qualification For ONGC MRPL Recruitment 2022?
Discipline | Minimum Essential Qualification* (BE/B.Tech./B.Sc. Engineering) |
Chemical | Chemical Engineering/ Chemical Technology/ Petrochemical Engineering/ Petrochemical Technology |
Mechanical | Mechanical Engineering |
Civil | Civil Engineering |
Electrical | Electrical Engineering/ Electrical & Electronics Engineering |
Instrumentation | Instrumentation Engineering/ Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering/ Instrumentation & Control Engineering/ Instrumentation & Electronics/ Instrumentation & Process Control/ Instrumentation Technology |
Metallurgy | Metallurgical & Materials Engineering/ Materials Science and Engineering/ Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering/ Metallurgy |
Computer Science |
Engineering in Computer Science |
Chemistry | Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Chemistry or equivalent degree with specialization in any of Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Petroleum Chemistry, Environmental Science, Environmental Chemistry, Applied Environmental Chemistry and (General) Chemistry |
Retired Educational Qualification For ONGC MRPL Recruitment 2022?
आप सभी आवेदको को कुछ शैक्षणिक योग्यताओं की पूर्ति करनी होगी जो कि, इस प्रकार से हैं –
- Candidate shall possess valid GATE marks in the corresponding GATE papers mentioned at
Table-1. The results of GATE 2022 only will be considered. - Candidate should have passed essential qualification(s) specified at Table-1. All qualification
must be from UGC recognized Indian University / UGC recognized Indian Deemed University/
AICTE approved Autonomous Indian Institution / Concerned Statutory Council (wherever
applicable)/Board of Technical Education. - Candidates applying against UR, EWS & OBC (NCL) post should have minimum 60% aggregate marks in the essential qualifications specified at Table-1 above. Candidates applying against posts reserved for SC/ ST and PwBD category should have minimum 50% aggregate marks in the essential qualifications specified at Table-1 above.
- Minimum percentage of marks in the essential qualification as indicated above shall be aggregate of all semesters to be calculated taking average of all semesters/years, irrespective of the weightage given to any particular semester/year/subjects by the Institute/University. Aggregate percentage of marks shall not be rounded off (for example 59.99 % not to be rounded off as 60%).
- In case CGPA/OGPA/Grade is awarded by university, the equivalent percentage shall be derived based on the formula provided by the University for converting the grade to percentage. If no formula is prescribed by the University, the equivalence in percentage of marks will be established by multiplying the CGPA/OGPA/Grade by a factor of 10 subject to the condition that the candidate has to submit documentary proof that the University does not have any formula for conversion of CGPA/OGPA/Grade to corresponding percentage.
- Relaxation in percentage of marks in the essential qualification for SC/ST/PwBD category is applicable only to the posts reserved for SC/ST/ PwBD category as the case may be.
- Engineering Degree can be B.E / B.Tech / B.Sc. Engineering (04 year course).
- Candidates having five years BE/B.Tech + ME/M.Tech integrated dual degree in engineering in relevant discipline shall also be considered at par with B.E /B.Tech/B.Sc. Engineering.
- Candidates pursuing/completed M.Tech in any disciplines, other than those mentioned above, for being eligible, must have completed BE/B.Tech/B.Sc. Engineering in one of the above mentioned qualifying degree examination (essential qualifications specified at above Table-1) and have valid GATE-2022 marks in the above mentioned qualifying degree examination, are eligible to apply
- Integrated ME/ M.Tech candidates will be eligible, if they have already completed the course requirement for award of BE/ B.Tech/ B.SC. Engineering in one of the qualifying degree examination (essential qualifications specified at above Table-1) and have completed ME/ M.Tech.
- If a candidate pursues integrated ME/ M.Tech Programmes and is awarded two separate degrees i.e. BE/B.Tech and ME/M/Tech, then the % of marks/CGPA obtained by the candidates in BE/B.Tech will be considered to determine the eligibility of the candidates.
- If a single degree i.e. ME/M.Tech is awarded to the candidates at the end of integrated ME/M.Tech programme, then the consolidated marks obtained by the candidate at the end of integrated ME/M.Tech programme will be reckoned for deciding the eligibility.
उपरोक्त सभी शैक्षणिक योग्यताओँ की पूर्ति करके आप इस भर्ती मे, ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते है और इसमे अपना करियर बना सकते है।
Documents Required For Documents Verification of ONGC MRPL Recruitment 2022?
आप सभी आवेदको को इस भर्ती के तहत दस्तावेजो के सत्यापन हेतु कुछ दस्तावोज को प्रस्तुत करना होगा जो कि, इस प्रकार से हैं –
Proof of Age (any one of the document mentioned)
- SSLC marks card indicating date of birth or
- Matriculation certificate indicating date of birth or
- School leaving certificate indicating date of birth or
- Municipal birth certificate.
Educational qualification
- All mark sheets & certificates of educational qualifications
- For Diploma/Degree/PG Degree the individual mark sheet of all
semesters/years has to be submitted. Only last semester/year
mark sheet with details of all previous semester/year marks
shall not be considered and will lead to rejection of the
candidate. Consolidated mark sheet showing details of all
semesters/ years marks and all subjects studied can be
submitted in case the University is not issuing individual
mark sheets for each semester/year. - Diploma/Degree/ PG Degree certificate has to be submitted. In
case the candidate has not got Diploma/Degree/Post
Graduation certificate then provisional Diploma/Degree/PG
Degree certificate needs to be submitted. Non-submission of
Diploma/Degree/Post Graduation certificate may lead to
rejection of the candidature.
GATE- 2022 Score Card
- GATE – 2022 Score Card has to be submitted.
Caste certificate [SC/ST/OBC(Non-Creamy Layer)]/ Income and Asset
Certificate (EWS)
- Caste certificate [SC/ST/OBC (NCL)]/Income and Asset Certificate
(For EWS) issued by the Competent Authority in the prescribed
format. The prescribed format of certificates is available at Non-submission of caste certificate/
Income and Asset Certificate may lead to rejection of the
PWBD certificate
- Candidate belonging to Persons with Benchmark Disability (PWBD)
category shall submit the PWBD certificate issued by the
Competent Authority. The prescribed format of certificate is
available at Only candidates having
not less than 40% of relevant Disability are eligible to be
considered under PWBD as per “the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities Act, 2016. Non-submission of PWBD certificate may
lead to rejection of the candidature.
- Candidates belonging to Ex-serviceman category shall submit the
documents issued by the Competent Authority to establish Exservicemen status.
No Objection Certificate (NOC)
- Candidate employed in Central/State Government/Public Sector
Enterprises/Autonomous bodies, are required to forward their
application through PROPER CHANNEL(through their present
employer) or should produce the NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE
at the time of Interview failing which they will not be allowed to
appear for Interview आदि।
उपरोक्त सभी दस्तावेजो को आपको दस्तावेज सत्यापन के दौरान प्रस्तुत करना होगा।
Required Documents For ONGC MRPL Recruitment 2022?
आप सभी आवेदको को इस भर्ती मे, आवेदन करने के लिए कुछ दस्तावेजो की पूर्ति करनी होगी जो कि, इसक प्रकार से हैं –
- Scanned copy of recent color passport size photograph, not older than 6 months.
- Candidates are advised not to upload photograph taken using mobile phone.
- Scanned copy of Signature
- GATE Score Card
- Caste Certificate [OBC(NCL)/SC/ST] / PwBD Certificate/ Income and Asset Certificate (for EWS category) as applicable आदि।
उपरोक्त सभी दस्तावेजो को आपको ऑनलाइन आवेदन के दौरान प्रस्तुत करना होगा।
How to Apply Online in ONGC MRPL Recruitment 2022?
हमारे सभी इच्छुक आवेदक जो कि, इस भर्ती मे, आवेदन करना चाहते है आसानी से आवेदन कर सकते है जिसकी पूरी ऑनलाइन आवेदन प्रक्रिया कुछ इस प्रकार से हैं –
Step 1 – Candidate Registration
- ONGC MRPL Recruitment 2022 मे ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने के लिए सबसे पहले आपको इसकी ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट के होम – पेज पर आना होगा जो कि, इस प्रकार का होगा –
- होम – पेज पर ही आपको मैन्यू का सेक्शन मिलेगा जिसमें आपको Careers का विकल्प मिलेगा जिस पर आपको क्लिक करना होगा,
- क्लिक करने के बाद आपके सामने इसका एक नया पेज खुलेगा जो कि, इस प्रकार का होगा –
- अब इस पेज पर ही आपको Advt.No.83/2022: Recruitment of Assistant Engineers and Assistant Executives in ‘E2’ Grade of Management Cadre through GATE 2022 का विकल्प मिलेगा जिस पर आपको क्लिक करना होगा,
- क्लिक करने के बाद आपके सामने एक नया पेज खुलेगा जो कि, इस प्रकार का होगा –
- अब इस पेज पर आपको Click here to register online का विकल्प मिलेगा जिस पर आपको क्लिक करना होगा,
- क्लिक करने के बाद आपके सामने इसका रजिस्ट्रैशन फॉर्म खुलेगा जिसे आपको ध्यान से भरना होगा औऱ
- अन्त में, आपको सबमिट के विकल्प पर क्लिक करना होगा और लॉगिन आई.डी व पासवर्ड प्राप्त कर लेना होगा आदि।
Step 2 – Login and Apply Online
- सफलतापूर्वक रजिस्ट्रैशन करने के बाद आपको होम – पेज पर वापस आना होगा,
- होम – पेज पर आने के बाद आपको पोर्टल में, लॉगिन करना होगा,
- पोर्टल में, लॉगिन करने के बाद आपके सामने इसका आवेदन फॉर्म खुलेगा जिसे आपको ध्यान से भरना होगा,
- मांगे जाने वाले सभी दस्तावेजो को स्कैन करके अपलोड करना होगा और
- अन्त मे, आपको सबमिट के विकल्प पर क्लिक करके अपने – अपने आवेदन फॉर्म को जमा कर देना होगा व इसकी रसीद प्राप्त कर लेेनी होगी आदि।
अन्त, इस प्रकार आप सभी आसानी से इस भर्ती मे, आवेदन कर सकते है और इसमें अपना करियर बना सकते है।
अपने सभी उम्मीदवारो व आवेदको को समर्पित अपने इस आर्टिकल मे, हमने आपको विस्तार से ONGC MRPL Recruitment 2022 के बारे में बताया ताकि आप सभी जल्द से जल्द ऑनलाइन जाकर आवेदन कर सकें और इसमें अपना करियर बना सकें।
अन्त, हमारा यह आर्टिकल आपको पंसद आयो होगा तो इसके लिए आप इसे लाइक, शेयर व कमेंट कीजिए।
महत्वपूर्ण लिंक्स
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FAQ’s – ONGC MRPL Recruitment 2022
How do I get into Mrpl?
Eligibility Criteria for MRPL recruitment through GATE 2022 Candidates must have passed B.E./ B. Tech in the relevant discipline with a minimum of 60% (50% for SC/ ST/ PwD candidates). Candidates who have studied five years B.E./ B. Tech + M.E./M. ... Candidates pursuing/ completed M.
Is Mrpl a government company?
Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL) is Category 1 Miniratna Central Public Sector Enterprise (CPSE) under the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. MRPL is located in a beautiful hilly terrain, north of Mangaluru city, in Dakshina Kannada District of Karnataka State (India)