ILBS Recruitment 2022 : जो उम्मीदवार Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences में Senior Professor के रूप में अपना करियर बनाना चाहते हैं और जिन्होंने MBBS की पढ़ाई कर ली है, तो अब आप अपना करियर बना सकते हैं, भारत सरकार आपके लिए एक सुनेहरा मौका लेकर आही हैं आप भी सीनियर प्रोफेसर बन सकते हैं,आपको इस आर्टिकल में ILBS Recruitment 2022 बारे में छोटी से छोटी जानकारी विस्तार से देंगे |
इंस्टीटय़ूट ऑफ लीवर एंड बिलियरी साइंसेज द्वारा आधिकारीक अधिसूचना की घोषणा का विज्ञापन जारी कर दिया हैं, इस अधिसूचना में 47 पदों की घोषणा की हैं | इस सूचना में सीनियर प्रोफेसर के आवदेन 04th अक्टूबर 2022 से शुरु हो रहें है और आवदेन की अंतिम तिथि15th नवंबर 2022 हैं | हमारे द्वारा इस आर्टिकल में जो जानकारी आधिकारीक वेबसाइट से ली गई है आप आर्टिकल में अन्त तक बने रहें |
इस आर्टिकल के अन्त में आपको Senior Professor आवेदन करने के लिए एक सीधा लिंक दिया है, जिससे आप आसानी से आवेदन कर सकते हैं |
ILBS Recruitment 2022 – Overview
Name Of Organization
Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS)
Article Name
Senior Professor, Professor, Additional Professor, Assistant Professor, Consultant, Head Operations, Dy. Head Operations, Manager, Junior Engineer, Physicist, Sr. Technical Executive, Technical Executive, Junior Executive, Senior Resident, Junior Resident, Resident Medical Officer, and Assistant Manager Nurse
Post Name
ILBS Recruitment 2022
Article Category
Latest Job
Apply For
All India
Total Vacancy
47 Post
Application Mode
Online registration Starts Date ?
04th October 2022
Online registration Last Date ?
15th November 2022
Education Qualification ?
Age Limit
35 to 66 Years
Official website
ILBS Recruitment 2022
Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS) के द्वारा Senior Professor के लिए अधिसूचना के अन्तर्गत योग्य उम्मीदवार आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर आवेदन कर सकता है,जो पूरे भारत में आयोजित की जाएगी। योग्य उम्मीदवार के पास आपने करियर बनाने का भारत सरकार एक सुनेरा मौका दे रही है, तो आप जल्दी से आवेदन करें |
हम आपको बता दे, की इंस्टीटय़ूट ऑफ लीवर एंड बिलियरी साइंसेज में आवेदन फॉर्म शुरू होने वाले है, योग्य उम्मीदवार को Senior Professor में आवेदन करने के लिए ऑनलाइन प्रक्रिया से गुजरना होगा, जो की पूरी प्रक्रिया हमने इस आर्टिकल के अन्त में विस्तार से स्टेप ब्य स्टेप बताया, ताकि आपको बिना किसी समस्या के इस ILBS Recruitment 2022 भर्ती का लाभ प्राप्त कर सके |
इस आर्टिकल के अन्त में आपको Senior Professor आवेदन करने के लिए एक सीधा लिंक दिया है, जिससे आप आसानी से आवेदन कर सकते हैं |
ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने के योग्य होने के लिए उम्मीदवारों को इंस्टीटय़ूट ऑफ लीवर एंड बिलियरी साइंसेज की अधिसूचना में उल्लिखित सभी आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करना होगा। इसमें शैक्षणिक योग्यता और आयु सीमा शामिल है।
ILBS Recruitment 2022 – Education Qualification
Name of the Post
Educational Qualifications & Experience
Senior Professor
A Medical qualification in schedule I or II or part II of the third schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act of 1956 (persons possessing qualification included in part II or third schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in section 13(3) of the Act.) and
DM/ MD in Anaesthesia or equivalent foreign/ Indian degree with Fifteen/ Eighteen years of teaching experience (OR)
A postgraduate qualification i.e. Master’s degree in the discipline/ allied subject AND A doctorate degree from a recognized university with 18 years of experience.
MBBS (A Medical qualification in schedule I or II or part II of the third schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act of 1956 (persons possessing qualification included in part II or third schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in section 13(3) of the Act.) and
MD/ Ph.D./ Masters or equivalent degree with 14 years experience (OR)
DM/ DNB and 4 years of Addl. Professor (OR) 08 years of an Associate professorship (OR) 11 years of teaching experience
First author/ second author/ corresponding author in 06 publications during the tenure as Additional Professor (original articles published/ accepted: excluding case reports, letter to Editors, and review articles).
Additional Professor
DM/ DNB and 04 years of an Associate professorship OR
MD/ DNB with 3 years post MD senior residency in MCI recognized teaching institution of which minimum 02 years in respective filed or equivalent foreign training.
4 years of Associate Professor.
First author/ second author/ corresponding author in 05 publications during the tenure as Associate Professor (original articles published/ accepted: excluding case reports, letter to Editors, and review articles)
Associate Professor
DM in Organ Transplant Anaesthesia and Critical Care OR
MD/ DNB with 3 years post MD senior residency in MCI recognized teaching institution of which minimum 02 years in the respective field or equivalent foreign training.
03 years of an Assistant Professor in the respective field.
First author/ second author in 03 publications during the tenure as Assistant Professor (original articles published/ accepted: excluding case reports, letter to Editors, and review articles) OR
DM/ DNB in Critical Care Medicine / DM Emergency Medicine/ DM Pulmonary Medicine & Critical Care or equivalent.
Assistant Professor
A Medical qualification in schedule I or II or part II of the third schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act of 1956 (persons possessing qualification included in part II or third schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in section 13(3) of the Act.) and
DM in the respective discipline/ subject (2 years or 3 years or 5 years or 6 years recognized course) or a qualification recognized equivalent thereto and
DM in the respective field.
One year of teaching and/ or research experience after obtaining the qualifying degree of DM. However, no experience is necessary for the candidates possessing 3 years or 6 years recognized degree of DM or qualification recognized equivalent thereto.
DM/ DNB in Critical Care Medicine / DM Emergency Medicine/ DM Pulmonary Medicine & Critical Care or equivalent (OR)
MD/ DNB with 3 years posts MD senior residency of which minimum of 02 years in Critical care/ Emergency Medicine/ Pulmonary Medicine or equivalent foreign training OR
M.Ch. OR MS (Surgery) or equivalent with 3 years of Senior Residency in the field of Liver Transplant Surgery/ HPB Surgery/ Surgical Gastroenterology or equivalent foreign training.
2 original published papers in peer-reviewed indexed journals, out of which, at least one should be the first author.
M.Ch./ DNB MCI recognized degree.
Additional 07 years of clinical/ teaching experience.
DM/ DNB in Critical Care Medicine/ DM Emergency Medicine/ DM Pulmonary Medicine & Critical Care or equivalent (OR)
MD/ DNB with 3 years posts MD senior residency of which minimum of 02 years in Critical care/ Emergency Medicine/ Pulmonary Medicine or equivalent foreign training.
Two (2) original published papers in peer-reviewed indexed journals, out of which, at least one should be as the first author.
Head Operations
A medical qualification included in Schedule I or II or part II of the third Schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act of 1956 (persons possessing qualifications included in part II or third Schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in section 13 (3) of the Act).
MHA/ MD (HA)/ or equivalent degree recognized by MCI.
Candidates working in State /Central Government/ Defence Services/ Autonomous Bodies/ PSU with experience of 4 years in the scale of Rs. (16400-20400) or 7 years experience in the scale of ( Rs. 14300-18300) (pre-revised) OR
15 years of teaching/ large/ Specialty Hospital experience after obtaining the postgraduate qualification in the specialty or master’s degree in Hospital Administration or equivalent of which at least 7 years should be in the administration of a major hospital in a senior position.
Dy. Head Operations
Dy. Head Operations Qualifications are the same as Head Operations Qualifications.
10 years teaching/large/ Specialty Hospital experience after obtaining the postgraduate qualification in the specialty or master’s degree in Hospital Administration or equivalent degree of which at least 5 years should be in the administration of a major hospital in a senior position.
Postgraduate/ Graduate with a diploma with minimum working experience of 10/ 12 years in the field respectively OR
Graduates with a Diploma in the field of Central/ State Govt.
Defense Services/ PSU/ Autonomous Body, etc. in the Pay Scale of Rs (10000-15200)/ Rs (8000-13500) (pre-revised) with minimum experience of 3/6 years in respective scale OR
MBA with minimum working experience of 10 years in the field post qualification OR
Professionally qualified CA/ ICWA/ MBA (Finance)/ equivalent professional degree with working experience of 10 years in the field post qualification.
Junior Engineer
ITI/ Diploma with 10 years of working experience in a relevant field, out of which 3 years should be in a hospital of repute.
M.Sc in Medical Physics or its equivalent recognized qualification with one year of experience OR
M.Sc. in Physics with Diploma in Radiological Physics
Sr. Technical Executive
B.Sc. (H) in Radiography/ Radiotherapy or Intermediate/ 10+2 with Diploma in Radiography techniques/ Radiology/ Radiotherapy or equivalent with 5 years of experience in the field OR
Matriculation or equivalent with Diploma/ Certificate in Radiology/ Radiography/ Radiotherapy or equivalent with 7 years of regular service in Grade -1 OR
Technician (Radiology/ Radiotherapy) Grade-II possessing Matriculation or equivalent with 9 years of experience in the field.
Technical Executive
10+2 with 2 years diploma in radiography with a Cath/ Vascular Lab working experience of 5 years/ B.Sc in Medical Technology with specialization in imaging science or Radiology from a recognized university with minimum 2 years of experience of Cath/ Vascular Lab.
Junior Executive
B.Com with a minimum working experience of 2 years in the field post qualification OR
Graduate with 1/2 years diploma with a minimum working experience of 2 years.
Senior Resident
MD/ MS in the subject or equivalent degree in the subject OR
A Medical qualification included in schedule I or II or part II of the third schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act of 1956 (persons possessing qualification included in part II or third schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in section 13(3) of the Act.) AND
With 2 years of DMRD course in Radiology with 1-year working experience in a teaching hospital/ hospital of repute OR
With 2 years diploma in Anaesthesia with 1-year working experience in a teaching hospital/hospital of repute.
Junior Resident
MBBS from a recognized university should have completed an internship certificate and registered with Delhi Medical Council with a minimum 1-year experience post qualification in Medicine/ Surgery/ Pediatrics.
Resident Medical Officer
A Medical qualification included in the I or II schedule or part II of the third schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act of 1956 (persons possessing qualification included in part II or third schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in section 13(3) of the Act.) And
With 2 years of working experience in a hospital of repute post qualification (those who have foreign medical qualifications, the experience will be counted from the date of qualifying CET – DNB).
Assistant Manager Nurse
B.Sc. in Nursing with a minimum of 7 years of post-qualification experience/ or M.Sc. in Nursing (Hepatology/ Liver Critical care/ liver transplantation) with 5 years of experience in the same specialties/ GNM with 12 years of post-qualification experience in a hospital of repute with specialized training in critical care, gastroenterology, Hepatology or transplantation.
ILBS Recruitment 2022 -Age Limit
Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS) में Senior Professor बनने के लिए न्यूनतम आयु – 35वर्ष तथा अधिकतम आयु – 66 वर्ष तक होनी चाहिए |
ILBS Recruitment 2022 – Selection process
Written test
Skill test
How to Online Apply ILBS Recruitment 2022 Step by Step?
Step 1. Official Website
चरण 1. आप को हम बता दे, की ILBS Recruitment 2022 का ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने के लिया आपको Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS) की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाना होगा –
चरण 2. अब आपको Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS) की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाने के बाद ILBS Recruitment 2022 का टेब मिलेगा उस पर आपको क्लिक करना है |
चरण 3.ILBS Recruitment 2022 पर क्लिक करने के बाद अब आपकी स्क्रीन पर फॉर्म खोलेंगे,
चरण 4. अब आपको ILBS आधिकारिक अधिसूचना के अनुसार इस फॉर्म में जो पूछा है, वे डिटेल्स को दर्ज करना हैं |
Step 2. ID & Password
चरण 5. अन्त में आपको, इस ILBS Application को सबमिट पर अपलोड करना है,इसके बाद में आपको ID & Password मिलेंगे उसे प्राप्त कर लेना |
चरण 6. अब आपको Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS) की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाना होंगा चरण 7. आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर आपको ID & Password दर्ज करके लॉगिन होना है चरण 8. अब आपको अपनी Education Qualification, MBBS Document , Photo तथा Sig. फॉर्म को भरना है|
चरण 9. अब आगे के ILBS परीक्षा के लिए आपके फॉर्म का प्रिंट आउट निकाल ले |
हमारे द्वारा उम्मीदवार को दी गई जानकारी ILBS Recruitment 2022 के संबंध में जो जानकारी दी गई है वे इंस्टीटय़ूट ऑफ लीवर एंड बिलियरी साइंसेज की ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट से ली गई है हम आशा करते हैं कि आपके सारे प्रश्नों का उत्तर मिलें होंगे, इस लेख से आपकी तैयारी में थोड़ी बहुत सहायता मिली हो,हमारी वेबसाइट को बुकमार्क करके नवीनतम Job Notification प्राप्त करेंगे।
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मैं बिहार का रहने वाला हूँ और मेरी पहचान एक डिजिटल क्रिएटर, ब्लॉगर, और यूट्यूबर के रूप में है। मैंने की स्थापना की है, जो लोगों को इंटरनेट से संबंधित सभी प्रकार की ऑनलाइन जानकारी उपलब्ध कराने के लिए समर्पित है। मेरा मकसद है कि हर व्यक्ति को डिजिटल जानकारी और संसाधनों का लाभ मिल सके, चाहे वह किसी भी क्षेत्र में हो।
मैंने इस प्लेटफॉर्म के माध्यम से बिहार और अन्य जगहों के लोगों को सरकारी योजनाओं, शिक्षा, नौकरियों, और अन्य महत्वपूर्ण विषयों पर सही और सटीक जानकारी प्रदान करने का लक्ष्य रखा है। मुझे इस बात की खुशी है कि मैं अपने राज्य और देश के विकास में इस छोटे से योगदान के माध्यम से मदद कर पा रहा हूँ।