SRMJEEE UG 2024: एसआरएम यूनिवर्सिटी (जिसे अब SRM Institute of Science and Technology के नाम से जाना जाता है) ने अपने आधिकारिक वेब पोर्टल पर संयुक्त इंजीनियरिंग प्रवेश परीक्षा 2024 के लिए ऑनलाइन पंजीकरण प्रक्रिया शुरू कर दी है। उम्मीदवार अब इसकी मदद से SRMJEEE UG 2024 के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं। आप यहां से एसआरएमजेईईई 2024 के बारे में अधिक जानकारी भी जुटा सकते हैं।
जाने इस पोस्ट में क्या क्या है

SRMJEEE UG 2024 Highlights
Full Exam Name | SRM Joint Engineering Entrance Exam |
Short Exam Name | SRMJEEE |
Conducting Body | SRM University |
Frequency of Conduct | 2 times a year |
Exam Level | University Level Exam |
Languages | English |
Mode of Application | Online |
Mode of Exam | Online |
Mode of Counselling | Offline |
SRMJEEE UG Exam Date |
Phase 1: 19th April 2024, 20th April 2024, 21st April 2024 Phase 2: 21st June 2024, 22nd June 2024, 23rd June 2024 |
Exam Duration | 2 Hours 30 Minutes |
Application Process | On Going |
SRMJEEE UG 2024: Apply now for SRM Joint Engineering Entrance Exam
SRM Institute of Science and Technology is inviting online application from eligible candidates for admission to B.Tech programmes offered in SRM University – Sonepat, Haryana, SRM IST Chennai (Kattankulathur, Ramapuram, Delhi – NCR Campus – Ghaziabad (UP), Vadapalani and Tiruchirappalli), and SRM University, AP – Andhra Pradesh. There will be two phases for the SRMJEEE UG 2024. Candidates can apply for more than one phase with respect to each phase.
SRMJEEE UG 2024 Important Dates
Phase 1 |
Last Date to apply | 13-04-2024 |
Exam Date | 19-04-2024 (Fri) 20-04-2024 (Sat) 21-04-2024 (Sun) |
Phase 2 |
Last Date to Apply | 15-06-2024 |
Exam Date | 21-06-2024 (Fri)
22-06-2024 (Sat) 23-06-2024 (Sun) |
SRMJEEE UG Eligibility
Candidates can apply for SRMJEEE UG 2024, if they fulfil these eligibility criteria –
Nationality | Resident Indian or Non-Resident Indian (NRI), holder of PIO or OCI card issued by Government of India are eligible to apply for SRMJEEE (UG). |
Age Limit | Minimum age is 16 years and 6 months on the 31st July of the calendar year in which the Class 12th examination is held |
Education Qualification |
Passed in Higher secondary examination (10, +2 pattern) or appearing in Higher Secondary examination in the current academic year with a minimum of 60% aggregate ( 3 subjects) in Physics (mandatory) , Mathematics (mandatory) and at least one of Chemistry / Biotechnology / Biology / Computer Science / Information Technology / Informatics Practices / Engineering Graphics / Botany and (or) Zoology as major subjects in regular subjects in regular stream from any board within India , CBSE , ISCE , Matriculation , IB or NIOS |
For B.Tech Programs offered by the Department of Biotechnology, Department of Genetic Engineering and Department of Biomedical Engineering – Minimum 60% aggregate in PCM / PMB/PCB/PCB or Z (Botany or Zoology). | |
Who have completed their 12th class under NIOS must have completed the 10th standard from regular schooling or vice-versa. |
SRMJEEE Application Fees
Candidates applying for SRMJEEE UG 2024 has to pay Rs. 1200 for each phase using online mode. Once paid, the application is non-refundable in any case.
SRMJEEE UG Admission Process
- Submission of SRMJEEE application
- Slit Booking and downloading of Admit Card for examination
- Appearing for Mock Test for SRMJEEE UG 2024
- Appearing for SRMJEEE UG 2024
- SRMJEEE 2024 Result Announcement
- Choice filling/Program Selection for SRMJEEE UG 2024
- Allotment for selected candidates who have done choice filling
- Payment of fees and generation of PAL
- Online Enrollment
- Document Verification & Physical Enrollment
SRMJEEE UG Exam Pattern
Candidates can take a look at the SRMJEEE exam pattern below:
- The questions are based on the syllabus in Class 11th & Class 12th.
- All the questions are of Multiple-Choice type and have four options as possible answers.
- Candidates can choose the most appropriate answer for each question.
- There will be no negative marking
- The total duration of the exam is 2 hours 30 mins.
SRMJEEE Exam Pattern
Subject | No. of questions | Marks |
Maths/Biology | 40 | 40 |
Physics | 35 | 35 |
Chemistry | 35 | 35 |
English | 5 | 5 |
Aptitude | 10 | 10 |
Total |
125 |
125 |
Procedure to Apply for SRMJEEE UG 2024
- एसआरएम यूनिवर्सिटी की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाएं और “Announcements” पर क्लिक करें।
- इस सेक्शन में आपको “SRMJEEE 2024 Applications Open” पर क्लिक करना होगा।
- अब पृष्ठ को नीचे स्क्रॉल करें और SRMJEEE 2024 से संबंधित निर्देशों पर जाएं
- फिर, पंजीकरण फॉर्म भरें और फिर “Apply Now” टैब पर क्लिक करें
- SRMJEEE Application Form will appear on your screen
- Fill in the asked details and upload documents (Photograph Image: Size 200 X 230 pixels, 5 MB; Signature Image: Size 140 X 60 pixels, 5 MB)
- साथ ही आवेदन शुल्क का भुगतान करें और फिर फॉर्म जमा करें।
- आवेदन पत्र जमा करने के बाद, एक आवेदन संख्या उत्पन्न होगी। भविष्य के संदर्भ और संचार के लिए उस नंबर को सहेजें।
Note: Course/Campus preference selected at the time of application is only for statistical purposes, the actual course preference can be selected at the time of counseling based on SRMJEEE UG 2024 – All India Rank and availability of seats in the institutions.
SRMJEEE Remote Proctored Exam Guidelines
Candidates can check here some of the important guidelines to be followed in the SRMJEEE remorse proctored test:
System requirements:
- Laptop with functional camera and microphone.
- Intel i3 (4TH Gen) equivalent CPU or above.
- 4gb RAM or above.
- Internet Speed – Minimum 1 MBPS
- 2 Gb free hard disk space
- Windows 8 or above Mac 10.14 Mojave and above
SRMJEEE UG 2024: Do’s and Don’ts
Candidates must follow some instructions for the SRMJEEE remote proctored exam:
- Do not move from your seats, during the exam. You cannot take bio breaks during the duration of the SRMJEE.
- You should sit facing the screen throughout the exam and should not look sideways or down.
- You are not allowed to keep mobile phones, digital watches, or any other electronic devices with you during the exam.
- You are not permitted to wear sunglasses/headphones.
- You should take the exam, seated in a room where there is sufficient light.
- You must ensure you are the only person in the room during the exam and there is no disturbance.
- Do not contact/talk to anyone or take assistance from anyone during the exam.
- Do not keep any text or bits of paper or any material/notes/rough paper with you during the exam.
- Do not access any other site/screen on your laptop/Personal computer during the exam.
- Do not try to log in from multiple devices.
- Do not google or search from any other source.
- Do not lip-sync or read the questions aloud.
- Do not cover your face with hair/mask/clothing or anything else.
- Do not have any background noise/voices/music//TV.
- You are not allowed to have food/beverage during the exam except for water.
SRMJEEE Question Papers
SRMJEEE UG 2024 will be held as a remote proctored test. Candidates can access the SRMJEEE sample papers that are released on the official website with the information brochure to prepare for the exam. Since the exam is held as an online remote proctored method, candidates must take mock tests (available on the official website) and practice the model papers to understand the exam pattern beforehand.
Important Links
SRMJEEE UG Syllabus | Website |
SRMJEEE Question Paper | Website |
SRMJEEE Apply Link For B.Tech/M.Tech (Integrated) | Website |
SRM University Official Website | Website |
SRMJEEE Notification | Website |
SRM University releases the SRMJEEE mock test on its official website for each phase of the exam. The mock test window opens a few days earlier the actual exam day. By doing the SRMJEEE mock test candidates can practice for the remote SRMJEEE proctored exam. To ensure that the candidates get familiar with the setup for taking online SRMJEEE exams at home and to get comfortable with the exam interface, SRMJEEE mock tests are facilitated before each phase of SRMJEEE 2024. To avoid last-minute disturbances, it is suggested to take the mock exams as scheduled and be prepared for the final examination day.
SRMJEEE Slot Booking
For the SRMJEEE 2024, candidates can book their preferred exam date and timing. The exam will be conducted for the remote proctored test. Candidates can access the SRMJEEE Admission Portal button under their respective logins, to book the examination slots of their convenience, subject to the availability of slots on that particular date. After booking of SRMJEEE slot, candidates can download the SRMJEEE Admit Card that will be generated after the completion of the slot booking process.
SRMJEEE Admit Card
After booking of SRMJEEE exam slot, you can download the SRMJEEE Admit Card. The hall ticket will be generated after the completion of the slot booking process. On the day of the exam, you have to be ready with the SRMJEEE hall ticket and valid photo ID proof. Candidates must upload a snapshot of the ID proof during logging into the SRMJEEE remote proctored exam.
Candidates can check the SRMJEEE result from the official website using their application number and password. Students who will qualify in the exam will be eligible for further admission process.
SRM University will not release the SRMJEEE cutoff. The last SRMJEEE cutoff rank was released in the year 2018. The SRMJEEE cutoff ranks indicate the last SRMJEEE rank until which SRMIST took admission in various BTech courses. The cutoffs depend on various factors, like:
- Difficulty level of the exam
- Number of seats available in the institute
- Demand for a course
- Number of candidates appearing in the entrance exam
- Previous year’s cutoff trends
SRMJEEE Counselling 2024
After the declaration of the SRMJEEE Result and rank of the qualified candidates, the University will conduct counseling rounds. While applying for SRMJEEE Counseling, candidates have to fill out their college choice and course preference. The seat allotment will be based on the rank secured in the entrance exam. In the SRMJEEE Counseling, candidates have to carry original documents and certificates. Also, candidates have to pay fees to confirm their seats.
SRMJEEE Counselling Process 2024
To participate in the SRMJEEE counseling process, the candidates can register themselves on the official website. Follow these steps.
Step 1: Registration and payment of fees
Step 2: Reporting at the allotted institute
Step 3: Allotment of seats
Step 4: Payment of tuition of fees
SRMJEEE Counselling Centers
State | City |
Uttar Pradesh | Modinagar |
Tamil Nadu | Vadapalani |
Ramapuram | |
Kattankulathur | |
Haryana | Sonepat |
Andhra Pradesh | Amaravathi |
Documents Required at Counselling
- Original counselling call letter
- SRMJEEE rank card
- Hall ticket of qualifying exam
- Marks sheet of class 10+2 or equivalent exam
- Marks sheet of class 10 as date of birth proof
- PAN card
- Aadhaar card
- Passport
- Cancelled cheque leaf with name of candidate/ parent or grand-parent printed
- Payment receipt made through e-pay facility or demand draft
Courses and Campuses
Check below the SRMIST campuses, courses available, seat intake and annual fees:
Campus |
Branch with specialization | Intake |
Annual Fees |
Biomedical Engineering (BME) – Full time |
60 | 250000 |
RMP | 60 | 150000 | |
HYN | 30 | 175000 | |
KTR | Biotechnology – Full time | 240 | 250000 |
RMP | 120 | 150000 | |
Trichy | 60 | 150000 | |
Biotechnology W/S in Genetic Engineering – Full time |
90 | 250000 |
KTR | Biotechnology W/S in Regenerative Medicine – Full time | 30 | 250000 |
KTR | Chemical Engineering – Full time | 60 | 250000 |
KTR | Nanotechnology – Full time | 30 | 375000 |
KTR | Civil Engineering – Full time | 60 | 250000 |
RMP | 30 | 125000 | |
HYN | 30 | 175000 | |
AMR | 19 | 250000 | |
Civil Engineering with Computer Applications – Full time |
30 | 250000 |
Civil Engineering W/S Computer Aided Structural Engineering – Full time |
Available | 250000 |
KTR | Artificial Intelligence – Full time | 180 | 400000 |
Computer Science and Business Systems$ (in partnership with TCS) – Full time |
60 | 350000 |
RMP | 60 | 300000 | |
VDP | 60 | 275000 | |
NCR | 30 | 200000 | |
HYN | 60 | 250000 | |
Computer Science and Engineering – Full time |
1140 | 450000 |
RMP | 780 | 340000 | |
VDP | 120 | 300000 | |
NCR | 420 | 300000 | |
AMR | 1164 | 335000 | |
HYN | 360 | 200000 | |
Trichy | 480 | 200000 | |
Computer Science Engineering (Data Science) – Full time |
120 | 400000 |
KTR | CSE W/S Big Data Analytics – Full time | 180 | 400000 |
RMP | 120 | 300000 | |
VDP | 60 | 275000 | |
NCR | Computer Science Engineering (Data Science) – Full time | 120 | 200000 |
AMR | CSE W/S Big Data Analytics – Full time | Available | 335000 |
Trichy | Computer Science and Engineering w/s Big Data Analytics – Full time | 60 | 200000 |
CSE W/S in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning – Full time |
420 | 450000 |
RMP | 15 | 390000 | |
VDP | 120 | 300000 | |
NCR | 120 | 300000 | |
AMR | Available | 335000 | |
Trichy | 180 | 200000 | |
CSE W/S in Data Science & Artificial Intelligence # (in association with IBM) – Full time |
180 | 250000 |
CSE W/S in Block chain Technology – Full time |
60 | 350000 |
CSE W/S in Blockchain & IoT (in association with IBM) – Full time |
60 | 250000 |
CSE W/S in Cloud Computing – Full time |
180 | 400000 |
RMP | 60 | 300000 | |
NCR | 30 | 200000 | |
CSE W/S in Distributed and Cloud Computing – Full time |
Available | 335000 |
CSE W/S in Cloud Engineering and DevOps Automation (in association with Xebia) – Full time |
60 | 250000 |
CSE W/S in Computer Networking – Full time |
60 | 350000 |
KTR | CSE W/S in Cyber Security – Full time | 300 | 400000 |
RMP | 180 | 300000 | |
NCR | 60 | 200000 | |
AMR | Available | 335000 | |
Trichy | 60 | 200000 | |
KTR | CSE W/S in Gaming Technology – Full time | 60 | 350000 |
RMP | 60 | 300000 | |
CSE W/S in Internet of Things (IOT) – Full time |
60 | 350000 |
RMP | 60 | 300000 | |
AMR | Available | 335000 | |
CSE W/S Software Engineering – Full time |
180 | 400000 |
CSE W/S in Information Technology – Full time |
120 | 400000 |
RMP | Information Technology – Full time | 180 | 250000 |
Trichy | 60 | 150000 | |
KTR | Electrical and Electronics Engineering – Full time | 90 | 250000 |
RMP | 30 | 125000 | |
NCR | 30 | 175000 | |
AMR | 19 | 250000 | |
HYN | 30 | 175000 | |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering W/S Renewable Energy – Full time |
Available | 250000 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering – Full time |
480 | 250000 |
RMP | 180 | 200000 | |
VDP | 60 | 150000 | |
NCR | 30 | 175000 | |
AMR | 78 | 250000 | |
HYN | 30 | 175000 | |
Trichy | 120 | 125000 | |
Electronics and Computer Engineering – Full time |
60 | 250000 |
ECE W/S in Cyber Physical Systems – Full time |
30 | 250000 |
KTR | ECE W/S in Data Science – Full time | 60 | 250000 |
VDP | 60 | 150000 | |
ECE W/S VLSI & Embedded Systems – Full time |
Available | 250000 |
ECE W/S in Signal Processing using AI – Full time |
Available | 250000 |
ECE W/S Advanced Communication Systems – Full time |
Available | |
Electronics Engineering (VLSI Design and Technology) – Full time |
30 | 250000 |
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering – Full time |
30 | 250000 |
KTR | Automation and Robotics – Full time | 30 | 250000 |
KTR | Aerospace Engineering – Full time | 60 | 375000 |
KTR | Automobile Engineering – Full time | 30 | 250000 |
NCR | 30 | 175000 | |
KTR | Automobile W/S in Automotive Electronics – Full time | 30 | 250000 |
KTR | Automobile Engineering W/S in Vehicles Testing (GARC) – Full time | 30 | 250000 |
KTR | Automotive engineering – Full time | 30 | 263500 |
KTR | Mechanical Engineering – Full time | 180 | 250000 |
RMP | 60 | 125000 | |
VDP | 60 | 100000 | |
NCR | 30 | 175000 | |
AMR | 39 | 250000 | |
HYN | 30 | 175000 | |
KTR | Mechanical Engineering W/S in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning – Full time | 30 | 250000 |
VDP | 60 | 100000 | |
Mechanical Engineering w/s Automation and Robotics – Full time |
60 | 100000 |
NCR | B. Tech Automotive engineering (ARAI) – Full time | 30 | 220000 |
AMR | Mechanical Engineering W/S in Robotics and Automation – Full time | Available | 250000 |
AMR | Mechanical Engineering W/S in Additive Manufacturing – Full time | Available | |
KTR | Mechatronics Engineering – Full time | 60 | 250000 |
KTR | Mechatronics Engineering W/S in Robotics – Full time | 60 | 250000 |
KTR | Architecture – Full time | 80 | 275000 |
RMP | 80 | Below 80% 2,00,000/- and Above 80% 1,50,000/- in board Exam |
KTR | Design – Full time | 60 | 150000 |
RMP | Interior Design – Full time | 60 | 125000 |
KTR | Electric Vehicle Technology – Full time – Full time | 30 | 250000 |
KTR | Food Technology – Full time – Full time | 30 | 250000 |
KTR | Mechanical Engineering (Automation and Robotics) – Full time | 30 | 250000 |
KTR | Biomedical Engineering (Machine Intelligence) – Full time | 30 | 250000 |
KTR | Mechatronics Engineering (Immersive Technologies) – Full time | 30 | 250000 |
KTR | Biotechnology (Computational Biology) – Full time | 30 | 250000 |
KTR | Mechatronics Engineering (Autonomous Driving Technology) – Full time | 30 | 250000 |
KTR | Mechatronics Engineering (Industrial IoT and Systems Engineering) – Full time | 30 | 250000 |
Trichy | Electrical and Electronics Engineering – Full time | 30 | 100000 |
उम्मीदवार नीचे दी गई पुस्तकों की सहायता से एसआरएम विश्वविद्यालय संयुक्त प्रवेश परीक्षा की तैयारी कर सकते हैं।
SRMJEEE Books 2024
Chemistry | NCERT 11th & 12th Chemistry Book |
Inorganic Chemistry by OP Tandon | |
Mathematics | Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma |
NCERT 11th & 12th Maths Book | |
Physics | Concepts of Physics Part-1 and 2 by H. C. Verma |
NCERT 11th & 12th Physics Book |
FAQs Related to SRMJEEE 2024
Question: How many SRMJEEE exam cities are there?
Answer: There will be 132 exam cities (approximately) across India where SRMJEEE exam centres will be located.
Question: If a candidate is pursuing HSC/12th class through NIOS, is She/He eligible?
Answer: Yes, if he/she is a student of an Accredited Institution of NIOS, then he/she is eligible to apply.
Question: How can I check my SRMJEEE result?
Answer: To check the SRMJEEE result, candidates have to log in to the website using a registered email ID and password.
Question: How can I attempt the SRMJEEE mock test?
Answer: Candidates can access the SRMJEEE mock test through the official website using their email ID.
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