NCRA TIFR Recruitment 2022 Apply Online For Latest 43 Work Assistant, Clerk and other Vacancies

NCRA TIFR Recruitment 2022:  आप सभी आवेदक व उम्मीदवार जो कि, National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Pune [NCRA] मे  विभिन्न पदो पर अपना करियर बनाना चाहते है उन्हें हम, अपने इस आर्टिकल मे, मदद से विस्तार से NCRA TIFR Recruitment 2022 के बारे बतायेगे ताकि आप सभी इस भर्ती मे, अपना – अपना करियर बना सकें।

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आपको बता दें कि, NCRA TIFR Recruitment 2022  के तहत रिक्त कुल 42 पदो पर भर्ती हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन प्रक्रिया  को शुरु कर दिया गया है जिसमे आप भी आवेदक 31 अगस्त, 2022 ( ऑनलाइन आवेदन की अन्तिम तिथि )  तक आवेदन कर सकते है और इसमे अपना – अपना करियर बना सकते हैं।

अन्त, आर्टिकल के  अन्त मे, हम आपको  क्विक लिंक्स  भी प्रदान करेगे ताकि आप सभी इसका पूरा – पूरा लाभ प्राप्त कर सके।

NCRA TIFR Recruitment 2022

NCRA TIFR Recruitment 2022 – Overview

Name of the Center The National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Pune [NCRA]
Name of the Article NCRA TIFR Recruitment 2022
Type of Article Latest Update
Who Can Apply? All India Candidates Can Apply
No of Vacancies 42 Vacancies
Mode  Online
Last Date of Online Application? 31st August, 2022
Official Website Website

NCRA TIFR Recruitment 2022

आप सभी आवेदक व उम्मीदवार जो कि, NCRA TIFR  मे अलग – अलग पदो पर भर्ती प्राप्त करना चाहते है तो हमारा यह आर्टिकल आपके लिए है जिसमे हम, आपको विस्तार से NCRA TIFR Recruitment 2022 के बारे मे बतायेगे जिसके लिए आपको अन्त तक इस आर्टिकल को पढ़ना होगा ताकि आप भर्ती की पूरी जानाकारी प्राप्त कर सकते है।

हम, आप सभी आवेदको को  बता दें कि, NCRA TIFR Recruitment 2022  के तहत रिक्त पदो पर भर्ती हेतु आपको  ऑनलाइन आवेदन प्रक्रिया  के बारे मे बतायेगे ताकि आप सभी इस भर्ती मे, बिना कि समस्या के  आवेदन कर सकें और इसमे अपना करियर बना सकें।

अन्त, आर्टिकल के  अन्त मे, हम आपको  क्विक लिंक्स  भी प्रदान करेगे ताकि आप सभी इसका पूरा – पूरा लाभ प्राप्त कर सके।

Read Also – TATA Scholarship Program 2022 – Apply Online Application Form, Last Date & Eligibility

Post Wise Vacancy Details of NCRA TIFR Recruitment 2022?

Name of the Post Vacancy Details
Engineer-D (Civil) 1
Administrative Officer (C) 2
Engineer-C 1
Admn. Asst-B 2
Admn. Asst-B 1
Tech Asst-B (Civil) 1
Tech Asst-B (Elex) 1
Clerk-A 1
Lab Asst-B (Elex) 1
Tradesman-B (Plumber) 1
Tradesman-B (Welder) 1
Tradesman-B (Electrical)` 1
Driver-B ( Pune ) 1
Driver-B ( Khodab ) 4
Work Assistant ( Khodab ) 4
Work Assistant ( Pune ) 2
Security Guard 4
Technical Assistant-B (Elex) 1
Scientific Assistant-B (Elex / Computers) 1
Laboratory Asst-B (Elex) 2
Tradesman-B (Electrical) 1
Work Asst (Admin) 4
Security Guard 2
Project Engineer-C (Digital) 1
Project Engineer-C (SKA) 1
Total Vacancies 42

All In One – NCRA TIFR Recruitment 2022

Recruitment Advertisement No. 2022/3

1. Engineer-D [Civil]

[Pay Level: 11; Pay Stage: 01; TME: 118,645/-]

Essential Qualification: Full Time M.E./M.Tech./Equivalent in Civil with aggregate of 60% marks from a recognized university /institute.

Essential Experience: 2 years in design and drawings, estimation, construction, complete supervision and maintenance of Civil structures in a large and reputed organization. Experience in supervising building and civil/ structural construction and maintenance works. Should be familiar with drawings, estimating work quantities, rate analysis, tendering procedure, supervising works, recording joint measurements of the work done, preparing running and final bills, cross checking the bills.  Maintenance of the Residence / office buildings, roads, water supply / drainage lines. Knowledge of works procedure, specifications, norms (PWD/CPWD/MES), and also knowledge of current market rates for the material, labour & construction machinery will be an added advantage.

Desirable: Full knowledge in tendering, contract, CPWD, DSR Schedule, Concept and workable design in CAD CAM, BOQs, various construction tests and quality parameters, Government norms and procedures for civil works, Bill processing / M Book, MEP etc.

Job Description: Maintenance of office and residential buildings, concrete towers, routine preventive maintenance and rectifications of roads, buildings and plumbing problems with help of civil team & purchasing necessary material for the maintenance. Supervising new construction works, recording measurements, billing etc. Preparing estimates, tender, and coordination with Architect / consultant & executing the work.

Age: Maximum 35 years.

2. Administrative Officer-C (Accounts)

[Pay Level: 10; Pay Stage: 01; TME: 99969/-]

Essential Qualification: (a) Post Graduate from recognized University/Institute with aggregate of 55% marks in Commerce with Advanced Accountancy/ Auditing / Taxation as one of the subjects OR (a) Graduate in Commerce / B. Com from recognized University/Institute with aggregate of 60% marks with inter-CA or CMA (b) Proficiency in use of personal computers and applications.

Essential Experience: 5 years’ experience in Level 6 and /or Level 7 and /or Level 8 or with equivalent TME (total monthly emoluments) with Diploma in Finance and Accounts.

Desirable:  Finalisation of Accounts particularly in Government Institutes, Balance Sheet and Schedules. Submitting and filling of online Income Tax TDS, GST, Profession Tax returns, Bank Reconciliation statements, preparation of quarterly / annually budget statement of large organisations. MIS, Government Pay and Allowance, Audits.

Age: Maximum 40 years.

3. Administrative Officer-C (Purchase & Stores) 

[Pay Level: 10; Pay Stage: 01; TME: 99969/-]

Essential Qualification: (a) Graduate from a recognised University/Institute with aggregate of 60% marks. (b) Diploma/ Degree/ Certificate course in Management from a recognised University/ Institute. (c) Proficiency in use of personal computers and applications.

Essential Experience: 5 years service in Level 6 and /or Level 7 and /or Level 8 or with equivalent TME (total monthly emolument).

Desirable:  Procurement of goods and services, local and imports, handling public tenders, contracts, AMCs, stores and inventory management, disposal of material followed in Central Government. Knowledge of Government Rules, GFR, GEM, Accounts, knowledge of Accounts and General Administration etc.

Age: Maximum 43 years

4. Engineer-C (Digital) 

[Pay Level: 10; Pay Stage: 01; TME: 83256/-]

Essential Qualification: Full Time Degree in Engineering (B.E/B.Tech with aggregate of 60% marks) from a recognized university/institute in relevant subject/discipline.

Essential Experience: 2 years’ experience in Analog / Digital electronics / Radio Frequency systems in a large and reputed organization.

Desirable: Experience in design, development and operations of Analog & Digital signal processing circuits, computer programming and familiarity with FPGA based design.

Nature of job: Design, Development, Testing and Maintenance / upkeep of Receiver Backend system.

Age: Maximum 31 years (after relaxation)

5. Engineer-C (Electronics) 

[Pay Level: 10; Pay Stage: 01; TME: 83256/-]

Essential Qualification: (a) Full Time Degree in Engineering (B.E/B.Tech with aggregate of 60% marks) from a recognized university/institute in Electronics / equivalent.  (b) 2 years’ experience in Analog / Digital electronics / Radio Frequency systems in a large and reputed organization.

Essential Experience: 2 years in a reputed organisation / Institute in the field of electronics.

Job Description: Design, development and maintenance of Digital, Radio Frequency Electronics and related systems. Also working for radio telescope RF operations.

Age: Maximum 28 years.

Essential Experience: Post qualification experience in the relevant field.

Recruitment Advertisement No. 2022/4

1. Administrative Assistant-B [ Pune] 

2. Administrative Assistant-B [Khodad] 

[Pay Level: 06, Pay Stage: 01; TME: 61818/- (Pune) 53034 (Khodad)]

Essential Qualification: (a) Graduate from  a recognised University /Institute with aggregate of 55% marks. (b) Proficiency in word processing/data base/accounting procedures.

Essential Experience: 5 years’ experience in General Administration, Establishment section, Accounts, in a large reputed organisation.

Desirable: Knowledge of Central Govt. rules, GFR, Services, Contracts, Finalisation of Accounts, Taxes, procurement, etc.

Job Description: Manpower planning, Rosters, Leaves, LTC, Pay Fixation. Contracts, Bill processing and passing, budget and help in finalization of accounts, Inventory management, etc.

Age: Maximum 33 years for UR & EWS; Maximum 36 years for OBC.

3. Technical Assistant-B (Civil) [ Pune] 

[Pay Level: 06; Pay Stage: 01; TME: 61818/-]

Essential Qualification: (a)Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognised University/Institute with aggregate 60% marks (b) Knowledge of use of personal computers and its applications.

Desirable Qualification: Familiarity with AutoCAD software.

Essential Experience: Minimum 2 years’ field experience in supervising building and civil/structural construction and maintenance works. Should be familiar with drawings, estimating work quantities, rate analysis, tendering procedure, supervising works, recording joint measurements of the work done, preparing running and final bills, cross checking the bills.  Maintenance of the Residence / office buildings, roads, water supply / drainage lines. Knowledge of works procedure, specifications, norms (PWD/CPWD/MES), and also knowledge of current market rates for the material, labour & construction machinery will be an added advantage.

Job Description: Maintenance of office and residential buildings, concrete towers, routine preventive maintenance and rectifications of roads, buildings and plumbing problems with help of civil team & purchasing necessary material for the maintenance. Supervising new construction works, recording measurements, billing etc. Preparing estimates, tender, and coordination with Architect / consultant & executing the work.

Age: Maximum 31 years.

4. Technical Assistant-B (Electronics) [ Khodad]  Click to apply online

[Pay Level: 06; Pay Stage: 01; TME: 53034/-]

Essential Qualification: (a) Full Time Science Graduate (from a recognized University/ Institute with aggregate of 60% marks) in relevant discipline. OR (a) Full Time Diploma / B.Sc. in Electronics / Computers from a recognized University/Institute with aggregate of 60% marks) in relevant discipline. (b) Knowledge of use of personal computers and its applications.

Essential Experience: 2 years’ experience in electronics lab of a reputed organisation.

Desirable: Knowledge of Electronics Test, PCBs.

Job Description: Design, maintain and operate electronic equipment at Electronics Laboratory and at field, antenna structure. Working in RF/ Communication / Electronics Labs.

Age: Maximum 38 years.

5. Clerk-A [ Pune] 

[Pay Level: 03; Pay Stage: 01; TME: 39761/-]

Essential Qualification: (a) Graduate from a recognized University / Institute with aggregate of 50% marks. (b) Knowledge of typing (c) Knowledge of use of personal computers and applications especially MS Office – supported by certificates from the government recognized institutions.

Desirable:  Candidates with better typing skills and computer proficiency, knowledge of Central Govt. rules and procedures may be given preference.

Essential Experience: 1-year experience in clerical duties and correspondence in large and reputed organisation.

Job Description: Send purchase enquiries, prepare comparative statements, contracts and services, AMC, etc. Dealing with contractors for security, housekeeping and canteen, making transport and travel arrangements, medical bills, Guesthouse bills, bill processing etc.

Age: Maximum 33 years.

6. Laboratory Assistant-B [ Khodad] 

[Pay Level: 03; Pay Stage: 01; TME: 33443/-]

Essential Qualification and Experience: (a) Full Time H.S.C. with 60%. (b) One-year experience in Laboratory OR (a) National Trade Certificate (NTC) (aggregate of 60% marks) awarded by National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT) in electronics. (b) One years’ experience in electronics laboratory of a reputed organisation OR (a) National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) (aggregate of 60% marks) awarded by National Council of Vocational Training NCVT) in electronics. (b) One-year experience in electronics lab of a reputed organisation.

Essential Experience: 2 years with ITI or 1 year with ITI and NCVT.

Job description: SMD Soldering for Digital and RF circuits. DC wiring Cable routing, Digital and RF system integration, Testing and installation, Basic knowledge on computer hardware.

Age: Maximum 31 years.

7. Tradesman-B (Plumber) [ Pune]

[Pay Level: 03; Pay Stage: 01; TME: 37349/-]

Essential Qualification and Experience: (a) National Trade Certificate (NTC) (with aggregate of 60% marks) awarded by National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT) in Plumber trade. (b) Two years’ experience OR (a) National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) (with aggregate of 60% marks) awarded by National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT) in Plumbing trade. (b) One-year experience in relevant field.

Essential Experience: 2 years with ITI or 1 year with ITI and NCVT.

Desirable: Knowledge of maintenance and repair of water pipeline, sewage, chambers, drainage lines etc.

Job Description: Attending to plumbing requirement of the office and the housing colony, including guesthouse and hostel.

Age: Maximum 33 years.

8. Tradesman-B (Welder) [ Pune] 

[Pay Level: 03; Pay Stage: 01; TME: 37349/-]

Essential Qualification and Experience: (a) Xth Pass With ITI in Welder Trade  with (with aggregate of 60% marks) and with NCVT . (b) Minimum Two years’ year experience TIG & MIG and  MMA welding. Desirable: IBR Certificate / X-Ray quality Govt.  approved Certified welder in Pipe-6G / plate-4G positions. Working at height of 20 meters or more are preferable.

Essential Experience: 2 years with ITI or 1 year with ITI and NCVT.

Desirable: High precision welding experience in metals like MS, stainless steel, aluminium, casting, Gas lasor, fabrication, etc.

Job Description:  Antenna structure welding and related activities.

Age: Maximum 28 years.

9. Tradesman-B (Electrical) [Khodad]

[Pay Level: 03; Pay Stage: 01; TME: 33443/-]

Essential Qualification: (a) National Trade Certificate (NTC) (with aggregate of 60% marks) awarded by National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT) in Electrical trade/discipline. (b) Two years’ experience OR (a) National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) (with aggregate of 60% marks) awarded by National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT) in electrical trade/discipline. (b) One-year experience in relevant field.

Essential Experience: 2 years with ITI or 1 year with ITI and NCVT.

Desirable: Electrical B license

Job Description: Maintenance of HT / LT lines, telephone lines, electrical works and attending to breakdown of electrical equipments.

Age: Maximum 28 years.

10.  Driver-B [ Khodad]

11. Driver-B [Pune] 

[Pay Level: 02; Pay Stage: 01; TME: 29663 (Khodad) 33848 (Pune)]

Essential Qualification: (a) S.S.C. or Equivalent (Central/State Board Examinations) (b) Valid license for driving heavy motor vehicles.

Essential Experience: 3 years of accident-free experience of driving heavy passenger motor vehicles in large cities.

Desirable: (i) Preliminary / primary knowledge of vehicle inspection, trouble shooting and minor repairs (ii) Bus batch (iii) Experience in driving all vehicles including Bus.

Physical Fitness (a) Male: Height not less than 165 cms; Chest minimum 80 cms; expansion: 05 cms; Weight: corresponding to height and Age as per medical standard. Eye sight: The minimum vision should be 6/6 and naked eye vision for both eyes should be 6/9, and colour recognition.

(b) Female: Height not less than 157 cms; Chest [ Not applicable] Weight: corresponding to height and Age as per medical standard.  Eye sight: The minimum vision should be 6/6 and naked eye vision for both eyes should be 6/9, and colour recognition. (Relaxation in Physical Fitness to members of some communities as per extant GOI rules).

Job Description: Taking officials on their visits. Driving all vehicles including Bus and heavy duty vehicles.

Age relaxation to the Ex-servicemen: As per extent rules.

Age: Maximum 30 years for UR; 35 years for SC; 30 years for EWS; 33 years for OBC.

Selection procedure will include written and trade test and driving examination.

12. Work Assistant [Khodad]

13. Work Assistant [Pune]

[Pay Level: 01; Pay Stage: 01; TME: 30789 (Pune); 26946 (Khodad)]

Essential Qualification: S.S.C. OR Equivalent (Central/State Board Examinations) OR NTC (Electronics) awarded by NCVT.

Essential Experience: One-year experience of maintenance in areas: plumbing/ electronics/ electrical/ carpentering / Masonry/ garden and horticulture /  estate / CCTV, etc..

Job Description: Helping in plumber, electrical, civil tradesmen in their day to day activities.

Age: Maximum 28 years for UR; 33 years for SC; 31 years for OBC; 28 years for EWS.

14. Security Guard [Khodad]

[Pay Level: 01; Pay Stage: 01; TME: 26946/-]

Essential Qualification: a) S.S.C OR Equivalent (Central/State Board Examinations) (b) Essential three years’ experience in Defence/ CAPF/Security work in a reputed organization. (c) Firefighting Training First Aid Certificate/NCC certificate/ Civil Defence training/Home guard (This clause is not applicable to candidates from Defence /CAPF) (d) Knowledge of use of personal computers and applications.

Age: Maximum 28 years for EWS & Maximum 31 years for OBC.

Physical Fitness (a) Male – Height not less than 165cms; – Chest 80-85 cms; – Weight: corresponding to height and Age as per medical standard; – Eye sight: The minimum vision should be 6/6 and naked eye vision for both eyes should be 6/9, and colour recognition.

(b) Female – Height not less than 157 cms; Chest [ Not applicable]; – Weight: corresponding to height and Age as per medical standard; – Eye sight: The minimum vision should be 6/6 and naked eye vision for both eyes should be 6/9, and colour recognition.

Physical Efficiency Test: a) Running Fitness for male candidates: 100 meters in 16 seconds and 1.6 km in 6.30 minutes for running tests conducted on smooth and straight running tracks.

-Running fitness for Ex-Servicemen, Military Service Personnel, CAPF and internal candidates above 35 years, Females :100 meters in 18 secs and 1.6 km in 8.30 minutes for running tests conducted on smooth and straight running tracks.

(b) Shot put (except females) (7.26 kgs) 4.5 mts.

(c) Chin ups except females: Upto 30 years: 08-09 numbers;            30-40 years: 05-06 numbers;

(d) Push-ups except females: 40-45 years: 16-17 numbers;   Above 45 years: 12-13 numbers;

(e) Sit ups except females: Up to 30 years: 25 – 29 numbers; 30-40 years: 20-24 numbers; 40-45 years: 15-19 numbers; Above 45 years: 10-14 numbers.


Note: Ex-servicemen, Military Service personnel and CAPF personnel with 3 years’ experience will be considered for the Pay Level 2. Ex-servicemen, Military Service personnel and CAPF personnel with 10 years’ experience or more can be considered for higher Pay Level 3.

(Relaxation in Physical Fitness to members of some communities as per extant GOI rules).

Job Description: Security at antenna site. To work in 3 shifts.

Essential Experience: Post qualification experience in the relevant field.

Last date for receipt of the applications is 31st August 2022.

Recruitment Advertisement No. 2022/5

1. Technical Assistant-B (Electronics) [ Ooty] 

[Pay Level: 06; Pay Stage: 01; TME: 53034/-]

Essential Qualification: (a) Full Time Science Graduate (from a recognized University/Institute with aggregate of 60% marks) in relevant discipline. OR (a) Full time Diploma in Engineering (from a recognized University/Institute with aggregate of 60% marks) in relevant discipline.  (b) Knowledge of use of personal computers and its applications.

Essential Experience: 2years experience as per the requirement of the Section / Department.

Desirable: CAD tool for PCB designing, knowledge of circuit simulation using Workbench/Circuit maker or equivalent software.

Age: Maximum 28 years.

2. Scientific Assistant-B (Electronics / Computers) [ Ooty]

[Pay Level: 06; Pay Stage: 01; TME: 53034/-]

Essential Qualification: (a) Full time B.Sc (Computer Science/ Electronics/ DERE) with aggregate 60% marks from a recognized University/ Institute OR (a) Diploma in Computer Engineering with aggregate 60% marks from a recognized University/ Institute.  (b) Knowledge of use of personal computers and its applications.  (c)  Post requires shift duty.

Essential Experience: 2-years’ experience in a reputed organisation.

Nature of job: Providing assistance in installation and maintenance of computer, network equipment, network wiring including identification and rectification of simple hardware faults.

Desirable: Experience in computer and network system trouble shooting.

Age: Maximum 33 years.

3. Laboratory Assistant-B (Electronics) [Ooty] 

[Pay Level: 03; Pay Stage: 01; TME: 33443/-]

Essential Qualification and Experience: (a) Full Time H.S.C. with 60%. (b) Two-year experience in Laboratory OR (a) National Trade Certificate (NTC) (aggregate of 60% marks) awarded by National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT) in electronics or equivalent. (b) Two years’ experience in electronics lab of a reputed organisation. OR (a) National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) (aggregate of 60% marks) awarded by National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT) in electronics or equivalent. (b) 1-year experience in electronics lab of a reputed organisation.

Desirable: SMD soldering for RF circuits, testing and installation of electronic circuits, knowledge of how to use CRO/DSO

Age: Maximum 31 years for OBC & 28 years for EWS.

4. Tradesman-B (Electrical) [ Ooty] 

[Pay Level: 03; Pay Stage: 01; TME: 33443/-]

Essential Qualification: (a) National Trade Certificate (NTC) (with aggregate of 60% marks) awarded by National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT) in electrical or equivalent discipline. (b) Two years’ experience OR (a) National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) (with aggregate of 60% marks) awarded by National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT) in electrical or equivalent trade. (b) 1-year experience in relevant field.

Desirable: Electrical B license

Age: Maximum 28 years.

5. Work Assistant [ Ooty]

[Pay Level: 01; Pay Stage: 01; TME: 26946/-]

Essential Qualification: (a) Passed S.S.C. OR Equivalent from a recognized Board OR (b) National Trade Certificate (NTC) (Electronics) awarded by National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT) in relevant field.

Essential Experience: One-year experience maintenance in the areas: plumbing/ electronics/ electrical / carpentering / masonry / garden and horticulture/ estate .

Nature of job: Electronics Lab. Wiring, testing and maintenance of electronics lab.

Age: Maximum 33 years for SC; 31 years for OBC; 28 years for EWS.

6. Security Guard [ Ooty]

[Pay Level 1; Pay Stage 1; TME: 26,946/-]

Essential Qualifications: S.S.C. or Equivalent (Central/State Board Examinations).

Essential Experience: (i) Minimum three years’ experience in Defence / CAPF/ Security work in a reputed organisation. (ii) Firefighting Training, First Aid Certificate/ NCC certificate/ Civil Defence training/ Home Guard (This clause is not applicable to candidates for Defence/ CAPF) (iii) Knowledge of use of personal computers and applications.

Physical Fitness:

Male: Height not less than 165 cms; (b) Chest 80-85 cms. (c)Weight: corresponding to height and age as per medical standards. (d) Eye Sight: The minimum vision should be 6/6 and naked eye vision for both eyes should be 6/9 and colour recognition.

Female: Height not less than 157 cms; (b) Chest [Not applicable) (c)Weight: corresponding to height and age as per medical standards. (d) Eye Sight: The minimum vision should be 6/6 and naked eye vision for both eyes should be 6/9 and colour recognition.

Physical Efficiency Test: a) Running Fitness for male candidates: 100 meters in 16 seconds and 1.6 km in 6.30 minutes for running tests conducted on smooth and straight running tracks.

-Running fitness for Ex-Servicemen, Military Service Personnel, CAPF and internal candidates above 35 years, Females :100 meters in 18 secs and 1.6 km in 8.30 minutes for running tests conducted on smooth and straight running tracks.

(b) Shot put (except females) (7.26 kgs) 4.5 mts.

(c) Chin ups except females: Upto 30 years: 08-09 numbers;            30-40 years: 05-06 numbers;

(d) Push-ups except females: 40-45 years: 16-17 numbers;   Above 45 years: 12-13 numbers;

(e) Sit ups except females: Up to 30 years: 25 – 29 numbers; 30-40 years: 20-24 numbers; 40-45 years: 15-19 numbers; Above 45 years: 10-14 numbers.

Age: Maximum 33 years for ST; Maximum 31 years for OBC.

Recruitment Advertisement No: 2022/6

1. Project Engineer-C (Digital) [Khodad]

[Consolidated pay: Rs. 78,500] Tenure: Initial 1 year to be extended by another 2 years (Max 2 years, subject to satisfactory performance). No absorption after term end.

Essential Qualification: Full time BE/ B. Tech in Electronics and Communication / Electronics Engineering from a recognised Institute/ university with at least 60% aggregate marks.

Essential Experience: 1 years in design and development of digital and signal processing hardware / software in a large and reputed organisation. Familiarity with FPGA-VSLI design, VHDL / Verilog and knowledge of MATLAB / Simulink model-based design and Python programme is desirable.

Maximum Age: Maximum 31 years.

2. Project Engineer-C (SKA) [ Khodad]

[Consolidated pay: Rs. 78,500] Tenure: Initial 1 year to be extended by another 2 years (Max 2 years, subject to satisfactory performance). No absorption after term end.

Essential Qualification: Full time BE/ B. Tech in Electronics and Communication / Electronics Engineering from a recognised Institute/ university with at least 60% aggregate marks.

Essential Experience: 1 year experience in design and development of digital and signal processing hardware / software in a large and reputed organisation. Familiarity with FPGA-VLSI design, VHDL / Verilog and knowledge of MATLAB / Simulink model-based design and Python programming is desirable.

Maximum Age: 28 years

Note: (1) HQ mentioned is for the present.  All the above posts are transferable within NCRA campuses i.e. Pune, Khodad & Ooty. (2) Candidates will be required to work in shifts/ beyond office hours and on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, as per the exigencies of the Centre.

Essential Experience: Post qualification experience in the relevant field.

The Institute reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates for the recruitment process to a reasonable limit on the basis of the qualifications and experience prescribed in the advertisement.  Mere fulfilling the essential and desirable qualifications will not entitle an applicant to be called for the recruitment process.  The Institute reserves the right not to fill the post herein advertised.  Canvassing in any form shall disqualify the candidate.

Last date for receipt of the applications is 31-Aug-2022.

NCRA TIFR Recruitment 2022 – ऑनलाइन आवेदन कैसे करें

वे सभी योग्य व इच्छुक आवेदक जो कि, इस भर्ती मे,आवेदन करना चाहते है उन्हें इन स्टेप्स को फॉलो करके  ऑनलाइन आवेदन करना होगा जो कि, इस प्रकार से हैं –

  • NCRA TIFR Recruitment 2022  मे,  आवेदन करने के लिए सबसे पहले आपको इसके  Direct Current Openings Page के होम – पेज पर आना होगा जो कि, इस प्रकार का होगा –

NCRA TIFR Recruitment 2022

  • होम – पेज पर आने के बाद आपको कुछ इस प्रकार का विकल्प मिलेगा – Openings
  • अब यहां पर आपको  उपरोक्त मे  से जिस भर्ती मे, आवेदन करना  है उसका चयन करना होगा,
  • चयन करने के बाद आपको सामने दो की लिस्ट खुल जायेगी,
  • अब यहां पर पर आप जिस  पद के लिए आवेदन करना चाहते है उसका  आपको चयन करना होगा,
  • चयन करने के बाद आपके सामने इसका एक नया पेज खुलेगा जो कि, इस प्रकार का होगा –

NCRA TIFR Recruitment 202

  • अब यहां पर आपको अपने  स्थान व तिथि को दर्ज करना होगा औऱ सबमिट के विकल्प पर क्लिक करना होगा,
  • क्लिक करने के बाद आपके सामने इसका इसका एक नया पेज खुलेगा जहां पर आपको  आवेदन फॉर्म खुलेगा जिसे आपको ध्यान से भरना होगा,
  • मांगे जाने वाले सभी दस्तावेजो को ध्यानपूर्वक स्कैन करके अपलोड करना होगा और
  • अन्त मे, आपको  सबमिट के विकल्प पर क्लिक करना होगा जिसके के बाद आपको इसकी रसीद मिल जायेगी जिसे आपको प्रिंट करके सुरक्षित रख लेना होगा आदि।

इस प्रकार आप सभी इच्छुक आवेदक इस भर्ती मे, आवेदन कर सकते है और इसमे अपना करियर बना सकते है।


हमारे वे सभी आवेदक जो कि, National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Pune [NCRA]   मे अलग – अलग पदो पर भर्ती का इंतजार कर रहे थे उन्हें हमने इस आर्टिकल की मदद से जारी हुई NCRA TIFR Recruitment 2022  के बारे में बताया व साथ ही साथ हमने आपको विस्तार से पूरी  ऑनलाइन आवेदन प्रक्रिया के बारे मे बताया ताकि आप सभी इस भर्ती मे जल्द से जल्द आवेदन कर सकें और इसमे अपना – अपना करियर बना सकें।

अन्त, हमे उम्मीद है कि, आपको हमारा यह आर्टिकल बेहद पसंद आया होगा जिसके लिए आप हमारे इस आर्टिकल को लाइक, शेयर व कमेट करेगे।

क्विक लिंक्स

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FAQ’s – NCRA TIFR Recruitment 2022

No of Total Vancancies?


Last of Online Application?

31st August, 2022

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The Author

अरुणोदय सरकार

पिछले 6 व अधिक सालों से जीवित, सजीव, बेबाक और ठोस लेखनी की छाप छोड़ते आये अरुणोदय सरकार, जिला बेगुसराय, बिहार के रहने वाले है। दिल्ली विश्वविघालय से B.A ( Prog ) और इग्नू से राजनीतिक विज्ञान में M.A करने के बाद आजकल बेगुसराय, बिहार मे रहते हुए स्वतंत्र लेखन कार्य के प्रति प्रतिबद्ध व समर्पित है। सरकारी नौकरी, प्राईवेट नौकरी, एडमिट कार्ड, रिजल्ट, सरकारी योजना, सरकार की नई नीतियों व योजनाओं सहित अन्य सभी विषयों पर गंभीर, जुझारू और आलोचनात्मक / समीक्षात्मक लेखनी के लिए अरुणोदय सरकार कई बार विवादों का शिकार होते हुए निडरतापूर्वक लेखन करने के लिए जाने जाते है।

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