Air India Recruitment 2023: स्नातक पास युवाओं के लिए GOA International Airport से जारी हुई नई भर्ती, ऐसे करें भर्ती मे आवेदन?

Air India Recruitment 2023: क्या आप भी  स्नातक पास  है औऱ GOA International Airport मे  नौकरी  प्राप्त करना चाहते है तो हम आपके लिए  नौरी  प्राप्त करने का  अति सुनहरा अवसर  लेकर आये है जिसके तहत हम, आपको विस्तार से Air India Recruitment 2023  के बारे मे बतायेगे जिसके लिए आपको ध्यानपूर्वक इस आर्टिकल को पढ़ना होगा।

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आपको बता दें कि, Air India Recruitment 2023  के तहत  रिक्त कुल 313 पदों  पर  भर्ती  की जायेगी जिसमें भर्ती हेतु आप सभी युवाओं व आवेदको को  साक्षात्कार प्रक्रिया  में हिस्सा लेना होगा जिसकी पूरी विस्तृत जानकारी  हम आपको प्रदान करेगे ताकि आप इस भर्ती में जल्द से जल्द आवेदन कर सकें।

अन्त, आर्टिकल के अन्त में, हम आपको क्वि लिंक्स  प्रदान करेगे ताकि आप इसी प्रकार के आर्टिकल्स को लगातार प्राप्त कर सकें।

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Air India Recruitment 2023

Air India Recruitment 2023 – Highlights

Name of the Article Air India Recruitment 2023
Type of Article Latest Job
Who Can Apply? Indian Nationals (Male & Female) 
No of Vacancies 313 Vacancies
Required Application Fees Application Fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) by means of a Demand Draft in favor of “AI AIRPORT SERVICES LIMITED.”, payable at Mumbai. 
Mode of Selection Via Walk In Interview
Official Website Click Here

स्नातक पास युवाओं के लिए GOA International Airport से जारी हुई नई भर्ती, ऐसे करें भर्ती मे आवेदन – Air India Recruitment 2023?

अपने इस आर्टिकल में, हम आप सभी  स्नातक पास युवाओँ  का हार्दिक स्वागत  करना चाहते है जो कि, AI AIRPORT SERVICES LIMITED  मे अलग – अलग पदों भर्ती प्राप्त करना चाहते है और इसीलिए हम आपको इस आपको इस आर्टिकल में, विस्तार से Air India Recruitment 2023  के बारे मे बतायेगे जिसके लिए आपको ध्यानपूर्वक इस आर्टिकल को पढ़ना होगा।

आपको बता दें कि, Air India Recruitment 2023  के तहत आयोजित होने वाली  साक्षात्कार प्रक्रिया  हेतु आपको ऑफलाइन आवेदन प्रक्रिया  को अपनाते हुए आवेदन  करना होगा जिसमे  आपको कोई समस्या ना हो इसके लिए हम आपको पूरी  आवेदन प्रक्रिया  की विस्तृत जानकारी  प्रदान करेगे ताकि आप इस भर्ती मे जल्द से जल्द आवेदन कर सके औऱ इसमें अपना करियर बना सकें।

अन्त, आर्टिकल के अन्त में, हम आपको क्विक लिंक्स  प्रदान करेगे ताकि आप इसी प्रकार के आर्टिकल्स को लगातार प्राप्त कर सकें।

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Position Wise Walk In Interview Details of Air India Recruitment 2023?


The Flora Grand, Near Vaddem Lake, Opp. Radio
Mundial, Vaddem Vasco
Da Gama, Goa403802.

Position Date and Time
Duty Manager Ramp 12th Feb, 2023
09:30 hours to 12:30 hours
Duty Manager Passenger
Duty Officer – Ramp
Duty Officer Passenger
Jr. Officer Technical
Customer Service Executive 13th & 14th Feb, 2023
09:30 hours to 12:30
Jr. Customer Service Executive
Sr. Ramp Service Executive 15th & 16th Feb, 2023
09:30 hours to 12:30  hours
Ramp Service Executive
Utility Agent Cum Ramp Driver
Handyman 17th & 18th Feb, 2023
09:30 hours to 12:30 hours

Position Wise Vacancy Details of Air India Recruitment 2023?

Position Vacancy Details
Duty Manager Ramp 05
Duty Manager Passenger 03
Duty Officer – Ramp 03
Duty Officer Passenger 15
Jr. Officer Technical 16
Customer Service Executive 102
Jr. Customer Service Executive
Sr. Ramp Service Executive 17
Ramp Service Executive 38
Utility Agent Cum Ramp Driver
Handyman 197
Total Vacancies 313 Vacancies

Position Wise Required Qualification + Experience For Air India Recruitment 2023?

Position Qualifications & Experience
Duty Manager Ramp Graduate from a recognized university under 10+2+3 pattern.
3 years Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical/ Production/ Electronics/ Automobile Engineering recognized by the State Government. With 16 years’ experience, out of which at least 04 years must be in a managerial or supervisory capacity in Ramp handling functions with an Airline orAirport Operator or BCAS approved Ground Handler appointed by any
Airport Operator at any airport or in combination thereof.Well conversant with computer operations.
Duty Manager Passenger Graduate from a recognized university under 10+2+3 pattern with 16 years’ experience, out of which at least 04
years must be in a managerial or supervisory capacity in Passenger and/cargo handling functions with an Airline or Airport Operator or BCAS approved Ground Handler appointed by any Airport Operator at any airport or in
combination thereof.Well conversant with computer operations.
Duty Officer – Ramp Graduate from a recognized university under 10+2+3 pattern.
3 years Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical/ Production/ Electronics/ Automobile Engineering recognized by the
State Government. With 12 years’ experience, out of which at least 04 years
must be in a managerial or supervisory capacity in Ramp handling functions with an Airline or Airport Operator or BCAS approved Ground Handler appointed by any Airport Operator at any airport or in combination thereof.Well conversant with computer operations.
Duty Officer Passenger Graduate from a recognized university under 10+2+3 pattern with 12 years’ experience, out of which at least 04 years must be in a managerial or supervisory capacity in Passenger and/cargo
handling functions with an Airline or Airport Operator or BCAS approved Ground Handler appointed by any Airport Operator at any airport or in combination thereof.Well conversant with computer operations.
Jr. Officer Technical Full time Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical / Automobile / Production / Electrical / Electrical & Electronics / Electronics and Communication Engineering from a recognized
university.Must be in possession of LMV.
Heavy Motor Vehicle (HMV) Valid Driving
License to be produced maximum within 12 months or produce the HMV License within the minimum time frame as per the prevailing rules of the state government, from the date of joining.The incumbent has to apply for Heavy Motor Vehicle License immediately upon acceptance of offer. No increment will be extended before possession of HMV license.Preference will be given to those with aviation experience or GS Equipment/ Vehicle/Heavy earth movers equipment Maintenance with reputed GS Equipment
manufacturer/Authorized Service Agency
Customer Service Executive Graduate from a recognized university.
Preference will be given to candidate having Airline/GHA/Cargo/Airline Ticketing Experience
orAirline Diploma or Certified course like Diploma in IATA-UFTAA or IATA-FIATA or IATA-DGR or IATA CARGO.
Should be proficient in use of PC.
Good command over spoken and written English apart from that of Hindi.
Jr. Customer Service Executive 10+2 from a recognized board.

Preference will be given to candidate having Airline/GHA/Cargo/Airline Ticketing Experience or Airline Diploma or

Certified course like Diploma in IATA-UFTAA or IATAFIATA or IATA-DGR or IATA CARGO.

Should be proficient in use of PC.
Good command over spoken and written
English apart from that of Hindi.

Sr. Ramp Service Executive 3-years Diploma in Mechanical / Electrical / Production / Electronics / Automobile Engineering recognized by the State Government
ITI with NCTVT (Total 3 years) in motor vehicle Auto Electrical / Air conditioning / Diesel Mechanic / Bench fitter / Welder, (ITI with NCTVT – certificate issued from Directorate of Vocational education and training of any State / Central Government with one year experience in
case of welder) after passing SSC / Equivalent examination with Hindi / English / local language as one of the subject.
Candidate must carry original valid Heavy Motor Vehicle Driving License at the time of appearing for the Trade Test/Screening Test(learning license/ payment receipt of the license and also receipt of confiscating of license by Police will not be considered.Must have four year’s experience in maintenance and operation of Ramp Equipment and Ramp Handling procedure at the Airport.
Maintenance and Operation of
Automobile/Hydraulic Equipment from
Automobile/Hydraulic Equipment Manufacturer or their authorized service center (in case of the Welder the four year’s experience should be over
and above the minimum qualification experience i.e. total five years experience)
Ramp Service Executive 3 –years Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical/ Production / Electronics/ Automobile recognized by
the State Government.OrITI with NCTVT (Total 3 years) in motor vehicle Auto Electrical/ Air Conditioning/ Diesel Mechanic/ Bench
Fitter/ Welder (ITI with NCTVT – certificate issued from Directorate of Vocational Education and
training of any State / Central Government with one year experience in case of Welder) after passing
SSC/Equivalent examination with Hindi/ English / Local Language as one of the subject.AndCandidate must carry original valid Heavy Motor Vehicle (HMV) at the time of appearing for the Trade Test.Preference will be given to the candidate conversant with the local language.
Utility Agent Cum Ramp Driver
SSC /10th Standard Pass.

Must Carry Original Valid HMV Driving
License at the time of appearing for trade test

SSC /10th Standard Pass.

Must be able to read and understand English

Language. Knowledge of Local and Hindi Languages, i.e., ability to understand and speak is desirable.

Required Documents For Interview of Air India Recruitment 2023?

इस भर्ती के तहत आयोजित होने वाली  साक्षात्कार प्रक्रिया  के तहत आपको कुछ दस्तावेजो को साथ मे रखना होगा जो कि, इस प्रकार से हैं –

  • A recent (not more than 3 months old) colored passport size photograph of
    the fullface (front view) should be pasted neatly in the space provided in the
    application form.
  • Self-attested copies of the supporting documents as mentioned in the
    Tabulation ‘List of Documents (copies) to be attached with the
    Application’ of these Advertisement to be submitted along with the
    application. Original Certificates should not be submitted along with the
    application but should be brought for verification. The Company is not
    responsible for returning any original copy/ies of Certificates /Testimonials
    submitted with the application.
  • Bring your valid Passport along with one set photo copy (if available).
  • Candidates belonging to OBC category must submit a duly attested
    photocopy of the Caste Certificate in the format as prescribed by
    Government of India, issued by the Competent Authority. The certificate,
    inter-alia, must specifically state that the candidate does not belong to
    socially advanced sections excluded from the benefits of reservation for OBC
    in civil posts and services under the Government of India. The Certificate
    should also contain the ‘Creamy Layer’ Exclusion clause. The OBC
    Certificate produced by the candidates should be as per the Central List of
    OBCs published by the Govt. of India and not by the State Government.
  • Eligible candidates working in the AI Airport Services Limited can also apply
    for the said post and if selected, they would be considered with service and
    pay protection.
  • Applicants working in Government / Semi-Government / Public Sector
    Undertakings or autonomous bodies, must appear with the completed
    Application Form routed through proper channel or along with “No
    Objection Certificate” from their current employer.
  • The advertisement for this recruitment is being published on our company
    website, hence please visit our company website
    Management reserves the right to change in above schedule/conditions,
    based on requirements आदि।

उपरोक्त सभी दस्तावेजो को आपको  अपने साथ साक्षात्कार प्रक्रिया  मे  प्रस्तुत  करना होगा ताकि आप इस भर्ती मे आसानी से आवेदन कर सकें।

How to Apply in Air India Recruitment 2023?

वे सभी युवा व आवेदक जो कि,  एअर इंडिया  मे अलग – अलग पदों पर भर्ती हेतु  आवेदन  करना चाहते है उन्हें इन स्टेप्स को फॉलो करके  आवेदन  करना होगा जो कि, इस प्रकार का होगा –

  • Air India Recruitment 2023  के तहत  भर्ती  हेतु  आवेदन  करने के लिए सबसे पहले आपको इसके Official Advertisement Cum Application Form  को डाउनलोड करना होगा जो कि, इस प्रकार का होगा –

Air India Recruitment 2023

  • अब आपको इस  भर्ती विज्ञापन  के पेज नंर – 13  पर आना होगा जहां पर आपको  आवेदन फॉर्म  मिलेगा जो कि, इस प्रकार का होगा –

Air India Recruitment 2023

  • अब आपको इस  आवेदन फॉर्म  को  डाउलोड  करके प्रिंट  कर लेना होगा,
  • प्रिंट कर लेने के बाद आपको  ध्यानपूर्वक  इस  आवेदन फॉर्म  को  भरना होगा,
  • मांगे जाने वाले सभी  दस्तावेजो  को  स्व – अभिप्रमाणित  करके आवेदन फॉर्म के साथ अटैच करना होगा और
  • अन्त में, आपको  साक्षात्कार हेतु निर्धारित स्थान पर निर्धारित समय  पर पहुंचना होगा और आगे की प्रक्रिया को पूरा करना होगा।

उपरोक्त सभी स्टेप्स को फॉलो करके आप इस भर्ती मे  आवेदन  कर सकते है और इसमें अपना करियर बना सकते है।


इस आर्टिकल में, हमने आप सभी युवाओं व आवेदको को जो कि,  एअर इंडिया, गोवा  मे  अलग – अलग पदों पर  भर्ती  प्राप्त करना चाहते है उन्हें हमने इस आर्टिकल में, विस्तार से Air India Recruitment 2023 के बारे मे बताया ताकि प आसानी से इस   भर्ती  मे  आवेदन  कर सके औऱ इसका लाभ प्राप्त कर सकें।

अन्त, आर्टिकल के अन्त में, हमें आपसे यह उम्मीद है कि, आपको हमारा यह आर्टिकल बेहद पसंद आया होगा जिसके लिए आप हमारे इस आर्टिकल को लाइक, शेयर व कमेंट करेगे।

क्विक लिंक्स

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FAQ’s – Air India Recruitment 2023

What is the Qualification for Air India?

The most common qualifications Air India Careers require are MBA, CA, Graduate / Postgraduate, M.E/M. Tech, B. Tech/B.E, Diploma, I.T.I, 10th/12th pass or equivalent. So candidates who hold any of the above mentioned degree can easily find a job opportunity in Air India by following our website.

What are the exams for Indian Airlines?

There are three main Aviation Exams in India namely Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi (IGRUA) Entrance Test, Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) and Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Common Entrance Exam (AME CET).

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आपके उज्जवल भविष्य के लिए महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी यहाँ उपलब्ध है - सरकारी नौकरियाँ, परीक्षा परिणाम, प्रवेश पत्र और शैक्षिक अवसर। नवीनतम अपडेट और आवश्यक सूचनाओं के लिए BiharHelp ऐप डाउनलोड करें - आपकी सफलता का साथी।

The Author

अरुणोदय सरकार

पिछले 6 व अधिक सालों से जीवित, सजीव, बेबाक और ठोस लेखनी की छाप छोड़ते आये अरुणोदय सरकार, जिला बेगुसराय, बिहार के रहने वाले है। दिल्ली विश्वविघालय से B.A ( Prog ) और इग्नू से राजनीतिक विज्ञान में M.A करने के बाद आजकल बेगुसराय, बिहार मे रहते हुए स्वतंत्र लेखन कार्य के प्रति प्रतिबद्ध व समर्पित है। सरकारी नौकरी, प्राईवेट नौकरी, एडमिट कार्ड, रिजल्ट, सरकारी योजना, सरकार की नई नीतियों व योजनाओं सहित अन्य सभी विषयों पर गंभीर, जुझारू और आलोचनात्मक / समीक्षात्मक लेखनी के लिए अरुणोदय सरकार कई बार विवादों का शिकार होते हुए निडरतापूर्वक लेखन करने के लिए जाने जाते है।

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