AI Airport Services Limited Vacancy 2023: 10वीं से लेकर स्नातक पास हमारे सभी युवा जो कि, AI Airport Services Limited मे मनचाहें पदों पर नौकरी प्राप्त करके अपना करियर बूस्ट करना चाहते है उन्हें हम, इस लेख की मदद से विस्तार से AI Airport Services Limited Vacancy 2023 केो बारे मे बतायेगे जिसके लिए आपको ध्यानपूर्वक इस लेख को पढ़ना होगा।
जाने इस पोस्ट में क्या क्या है

इसके साथ ही साथ हम, आपको बता देना चाहते है कि, AI Airport Services Limited Vacancy 2023 के तहत रिक्त कुल 61 पदों पर भर्ती की जायेगी जिसके लिए आगामी 30 अक्टूबर, 2023 से लेकर 03 नवम्बर, 2023 तक Walk In Interview का आय़ोजन किया जायेगा जिसकी पूरी विस्तृत जानकारी हम, आपको प्रदान करेगे तथा
लेख के अन्त में हम, आपको क्विक लिंक्स प्रदान करेगे ताकि आप आसानी से इसी प्रकार के आर्टिकल्स को प्राप्त करके इनका लाभ प्राप्त कर सकें।
AI Airport Services Limited Vacancy 2023 – Overview
Station | Rajkot |
Name of the Article | AI Airport Services Limited Vacancy 2023 |
Type of Article | Latest Job |
Who Can Apply? | All India Applicants Can Apply |
No of Vacancies | 61 Vacancies |
Salary and Age Limit Details | Please Read The Article Completely. |
Mode of Application | Offline |
Mode of Selection | Via Walk In Interview |
Detailed Information | Please Read The Article Completely. |
10वीं से लेकर Graduation पास युवाओं के लिए AI Airport में आई नई भर्ती, फटाफट ऐसे करे इन्टरव्यू की तैयारी – AI Airport Services Limited Vacancy 2023?
AI AIRPORT SERVICES LIMITED मे करियर बनाने की चाहत रखने वाले हमारे सभी युवा व नागरिक जो कि, मनचाही नौकरी पाना चाहते है उन्हें हमने इस लेख मे विस्तार से ना केवल AI Airport Services Limited Vacancy 2023 के बारे में बतायेगे ताकि इस नई भर्ती की पूरी विस्तृत जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकें और इसका लाभ प्राप्त कर सकें।
इसके साथ ही साथ यहां पर हम, आपको बता देना चाहते है कि, AI Airport Services Limited Vacancy 2023 मे भर्ती हेतु आवेदन करने के लिए आपको ऑफलाइन आवेदन प्रक्रिया को अपनाते हुए आवेदन करना होगा जिसमे आपको कोई समस्या ना हो इसके लिए हम, आपको पूरी आवेदन प्रक्रिया के बारे में बतायेगे ताकि आप इस भर्ती मे सुविधापूर्वक आवेदन कर सके तथा
लेख के अन्त में हम, आपको क्विक लिंक्स प्रदान करेगे ताकि आप आसानी से इसी प्रकार के आर्टिकल्स को प्राप्त करके इनका लाभ प्राप्त कर सकें।
Dates / Time and Venue of Walk In Interview – AI Airport Services Limited Vacancy 2023?
Station – Rajkot | |
Name of the Position | Walk In Interview Details |
Duty Manager – Passenger | Walk In Date & Time
Venue of Walk In Interview
Duty Officer – Passenger | |
Jr. Officer – Technical | |
Sr. Customer Service Executive | |
Customer Service Executive | |
Customer Service Executive | |
Sr. Ramp Service Executive | Walk In Date & Time
Venue of Walk In Interview
Ramp Service Executive | |
Utility Agent Cum Ramp Driver | |
Handyman | |
Handywoman | |
Total Vacancies |
Position Wise Vacancy Details of AI Airport Services Limited Vacancy 2023?
Name of the Position | No of Vacancies |
Duty Manager – Passenger | 01 |
Duty Officer – Passenger | 01 |
Jr. Officer – Technical | 01 |
Sr. Customer Service Executive | 03 |
Customer Service Executive | 06 |
Customer Service Executive | 12 |
Sr. Ramp Service Executive | 03 |
Ramp Service Executive | 03 |
Utility Agent Cum Ramp Driver | 06 |
Handyman | 15 |
Handywoman | 10 |
Total Vacancies | 61 Vacancies |
Position Wise Required Qualification For AI Airport Services Limited Vacancy 2023?
Name of the Post | Qualifications & Experience |
Duty Manager – Passenger | Graduate from a recognized university with 16 years’ experience.
Experience in Passenger handling functions with an Airline or Airport Operator or BCAS approved Ground Handler appointed by any Airport Operator at any airport or in combination thereof. Out of the above said experience, at least 04 years must be in a managerial or supervisory capacity. Well conversant with computer operations. |
Duty Officer – Passenger | Graduate from a recognized university with 12 years’ experience.
Experience in Passenger handling functions with an Airline or Airport Operator or BCAS approved Ground Handler appointed by any Airport Operator at any airport or in combination thereof. Out of the above said experience, at least 04 years must be in a managerial or supervisory capacity. Well conversant with computer operations. |
Jr. Officer – Technical | Full time Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical/ Automobile/ Production/ Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics / Electronics and Communication Engineering from a recognized.Must be in possession of LMV.Heavy Motor Vehicle (HMV) Valid Driving License to be produced maximum within 12 months or produce the HMV License within the minimum time frame as per the prevailing rules of the state government, from the date of joining. The incumbent has to apply for Heavy Motor Vehicle License immediately upon acceptance of offer. No increment will be extended before possession of HMV license.Preference will be given to those with aviation experience or GS Equipment/ Vehicle/Heavy earth movers equipment Maintenance with reputed GS Equipment manufacturer/Authorized Service Agency. |
Sr. Ramp Service Executive | 3-years Diploma in Mechanical / Electrical / Production / Electronics / Automobile Engineering recognized by the State Government Or ITI with NCTVT (Total 3 years) in Motor vehicle Auto Electrical / Air conditioning / Diesel Mechanic / Bench fitter / Welder, (ITI with NCTVT – certificate issued from Directorate of Vocational education and training of any State / Central Government with one year experience in case of welder) after passing SSC / Equivalent examination with Hindi / English / local language as one of the subject.AND Candidate must carry original valid Heavy Motor Vehicle Driving License at the time of appearing for the Trade Test/Screening Test(learning license/ payment receipt of the license and also receipt of confiscating of license by Police will not be considered. Must have four years’ experience in maintenance and operation of Ramp Equipment and Ramp Handling procedure at the Airport. Or Maintenance and Operation of Automobile/Hydraulic Equipment from Automobile/Hydraulic Equipment Manufacturer or their authorized service center (in case of the Welder the four year’s experience should be over and above the minimum qualification experience i.e. total five years experience) |
Ramp Service Executive | 3 –years Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical/ Production / Electronics/ Automobile recognized by the State Government. or ITI with NCTVT (Total 3 years) in Motor vehicle Auto Electrical/ Air Conditioning/ Diesel Mechanic/ Bench Fitter/ Welder (ITI with NCTVT – certificate issued from Directorate of Vocational Education and training of any State / Central Government with one year experience in case of Welder) after passing SSC/Equivalent examination with Hindi/ English / Local Language as one of the subject. AND Candidate must carry original valid Heavy Motor Vehicle (HMV) at the time of appearing for the Trade Test.Preference will be given to the candidate conversant with the local language. |
Utility Agent Cum Ramp Driver | SSC /10th Standard Pass.
Must Carry Original Valid HMV Driving License at the time of appearing for trade test. |
Sr. Customer Service Executive | Graduate from a recognized university under 10+2+3 pattern with 5 years of experience in any of the area or combination thereof, of fares, reservation, ticketing computerized passenger check in/ cargo handling.
Should be proficient in use of PC. |
Customer Service Executive | Graduate from a recognized university under 10+2+3 pattern. Preference will be given to candidate having Airline/GHA/Cargo/Airline Ticketing Experience orAirline Diploma or Certified course like Diploma in IATA-UFTAA or IATA-FIATA or IATA-DGR or IATA CARGO.Should be proficient in use of PC. Good command over spoken and written English apart from that of Hindi. |
Jr. Customer Service Executive | 10+2 from a recognized board
Preference will be given to candidate having Airline/GHA/Cargo/Airline Ticketing Experience Airline Diploma or Certified course like Should be proficient in use of PC. |
Handyman / Handywoman | SSC /10th Standard Pass.
Must be able to read and understand English Language. Knowledge of Local and Hindi Languages, i.e., ability to understand and speak is desirable. |
Reqired Documents For AI Airport Services Limited Vacancy 2023?
इस भर्ती मे आवेदन करने हेतु आपको कुछ दस्तावेजो को आवेदन फॉर्म के साथ अटैच करके भेजना होगा जो कि, इस प्रकार से हैं –
- Application Fee, wherever applicable,
- School Leaving Certificate,
- 10th Std / Matriculation Mark–sheet & Passing Certificate,
- 12th Std / Pre-Degree Mark-sheet and Passing Certificate,
- 1st Year Graduation Mark-sheet,
- 2nd Year Graduation Mark-sheet,
- 3rd Year Graduation Mark-sheet,
- 4th Year Graduation Mark-sheet
- Degree Certificate or Provisional Degree Certificate,
- MBA-(Mark Sheet of each year and Post Graduation Degree
Certificate/ Provisional PG Degree Certificate ) - Any other educational qualification,
- Caste Certificate in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates,
- Any other course, please specify,
- Discharge Certificate in case of Ex-Servicemen,
- Experience Certificates (till date),
- Nationality / Domicile Certificate,
- PAN Card Copy,
- Aadhar Card Copy,
- Income and Asset Certificate in case of EWS candidates,
- Xerox copy of Driving License (Both front & back) औऱ
- Copy of the Passport validity 2019 onwards, if any आदि।
उपरोक्त सभी दस्तावेजो को आपको आवेदन फॉर्म के साथ अटैच करके भेजना होगा ताकि आपके दस्तावेजो का सत्यापन किया जा सकें।
How To Apply AI Airport Services Limited Vacancy 2023?
आप सभी इच्छुक व योग्य आवेदक एंव उम्मीदवार जो कि, इस भर्ती मे आवेदन करना चाहते है वे इन स्टेप्स को फॉलो करके आवेदन कर सकते है जो कि, इस प्रकार से हैं –
- AI Airport Services Limited Vacancy 2023 के तहत आयोजित होने वाली Walk In Interview मे हिस्सा लेने एंव पंजीकरण करने करने के लिए सबसे पहले आपको इसके Official Advertisement Cum Application Form को डाउनलोड करना होगा जो कि, इस प्रकार का होगा –
- अब आपको इस भर्ती विज्ञापन के पेज नंबर – 13 पर आना होगा जहां पर आपको Application Format मिलेगा जो कि, इस प्रकार का होगा –
- अब आपको इस Application Format को डाउनलोड करके इसका प्रिंट निकाल लेना होगा,
- इसके बाद आपको ध्यानपूर्वक इस Application Format को भरना होगा,
- इसके साथ मांगे जाने वाले सभी दस्तावेजो को स्व – अभिप्रमाणित करके अपटैच करना होगा,
- अब आपको इसके साथ Application Fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) by means of a Demand Draft in favor of “AI AIRPORT SERVICES LIMITED.”, payable at Mumbai को भी अटैच करना होगा और
- अन्त में, आपको इस पते – Engineering & Maintenance Workshop, In front of Rajkot International Airport, Hirasar, Rajkot, Gujarat – 363520 पर 30 अक्टूबर से लेकर 03 नवम्बर, 2023 तक आयोजित होने वाली Walk In Interview मे हिस्सा लेना होगा आदिष
उपरोक्त सभी स्टेप्स को फॉलो करके आप आसानी से इस भर्ती मे ऑफलाइन आवेदन कर सकते है और करियर बनाने का बेहतरीन अवसर प्राप्त कर सकते है।
AI Airport में करियर बनाने का सपना देखने वाले आप सभी युवाओं को समर्पित इस लेख में हमने आपको विस्तार से ना केवल AI Airport Services Limited Vacancy 2023 के बारे मे बताया बल्कि हमने आपको विस्तार से पूरी भर्ती प्रक्रिया के बारे में बताया ताकि आप आसानी से इस भर्ती मे आवेदन कर सकें तथा करियर बनाने का बेहतरीन व सुनहरा अवसर प्राप्त कर सकें।
लेख के अन्त में हमें, उम्मीद है कि, आपको हमारा यह आर्टिकल बेहद पसंद आया होगा जिसके लिए आप हमारे इस आर्टिकल को लाईक, शेयर व कमेंट करेगे।
Quick Links
Official Recruitment Page | Website |
Official Advertisement + Application Form | Website |
Join Our Telegram Group | Website |
FAQ’s – AI Airport Services Limited Vacancy 2023
What are the requirements for aiasl 2023?
Eligibility criteria for AIATSL Recruitment 2023: The most common qualifications AIATSL Careers require are MBA, CA, Graduate / Postgraduate, M.E/M. Tech, B. Tech/B.E, Diploma, I.T.I, 10th/12th pass or equivalent.
What is the salary of AI Airport Services Lim
The average AI Airport Services Limited monthly salary ranges from approximately ₹ 19,175 per month for Customer Service Representative to ₹ 1,20,000 per month for Chief Financial Officer.
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